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The Internet Research Agency (IRA) is a notorious Russian “troll” farm that has the strategic goal of sowing discord in the U.S. political system. On February 16, 2018 Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russian individuals and three Russian organizations for engaging in operations to interfere with U.S. political and electoral processes.
Facebook data:
- During the hearing, Committee Members noted the breadth of activity by the IRA on Facebook: 3,393 advertisements purchased (a total 3,519 advertisements total
were released after more were identified by the company); More than
11.4 million American users exposed to those advertisements; 470 IRA-created Facebook pages; 80,000 pieces of organic content created
by those pages; and Exposure of organic content to more than 126
million Americans. The Facebook advertisements we are publishing
today have been carefully reviewed by the Committee Minority and
redacted by Facebook to protect personally-identifiable information
(PII). To protect innocent victims, Facebook—at the urging of the
Committee Minority—also has notified users whose genuine online
events were unwittingly promoted by the IRA.
Twitter data:
- During the Committee’s November 2017 open hearing, the Minority
introduced into the record 2,752 Twitter accounts that Twitter
identified as connected to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), the
Kremlin-linked “troll farm.” These accounts were designed to
impersonate U.S. news entities, political parties, and groups focused
on social and political issues. During the hearing, the Minority also
revealed a selection of Twitter advertisements paid for by Russian
news outlet RT, which the January 2017 Intelligence Community
Assessment labeled as “the Kremlin’s principal international
propaganda outlet.”
According to data provided to the Committee by Twitter, a snapshot of
relevant Twitter activity in the period between September 1 and
November 15, 2016 reveals: More than 36,000 Russian-linked bot
accounts tweeted about the U.S. election More than 36,000
Russian-linked bot accounts tweeted about the U.S. election
Approximately 288 million impressions of Russian bot tweets; and
More than 130,00 tweets by accounts linked to the IRA.
For more Twitter data, see: ([Link #1][1]), ([Link #2][2]).
Dataset description adapted from [original source][3].
Banner Image by [Rob Walsh from Unsplash][4].
Raw Data from [House Intelligence Committee][5].
Supplementary Data from both [DataWorld][6] and [Russian Ad Explorer][7].
All data was published using Open Data Licenses.
Did Russia attempt to influence a foreign election?
Can Facebook ads be used to promote political divisions?
[1]: https://www.kaggle.com/fivethirtyeight/russian-troll-tweets
[2]: https://www.kaggle.com/vikasg/russian-troll-tweets
[3]: https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/social-media-content/
[4]: https://unsplash.com/photos/_KeC-qyKLPY
[5]: https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/social-media-content/
[6]: https://data.world/scottcame/us-house-psci-social-media-ads/
[7]: https://russian-ad-explorer.github.io/?ad_id=3311
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