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Internet,Religion and Belief Systems,Demographics,Mobile and Wireless,China Classification

数据结构 ? 1208.28M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context Nothing is more comforting than being greeted by your favorite drink just as you walk through the door of the corner café. While a thoughtful barista knows you take a macchiato every Wednesday morning at 8:15, it’s much more difficult in a digital space for your preferred brands to personalize your experience. TalkingData, China’s largest third-party mobile data platform, understands that everyday choices and behaviors paint a picture of who we are and what we value. Currently, TalkingData is seeking to leverage behavioral data from more than 70% of the 500 million mobile devices active daily in China to help its clients better understand and interact with their audiences. Content The Data is collected from TalkingData SDK integrated within mobile apps TalkingData serves under the service term between TalkingData and mobile app developers. Full recognition and consent from individual user of those apps have been obtained, and appropriate anonymization have been performed to protect privacy. Due to confidentiality, we won't provide details on how the gender and age data was obtained. Please treat them as accurate ground truth for prediction. The data schema can be represented in the following chart: - gender_age_train.csv, gender_age_test.csv - the training and test set - group: this is the target variable you are going to predict - events.csv, app_events.csv - when a user uses TalkingData SDK, the event gets logged in this data. Each event has an event id, location (lat/long), and the event corresponds to a list of apps in app_events. - timestamp: when the user is using an app with TalkingData SDK - app_labels.csv - apps and their labels, the label_id's can be used to join with label_categories - label_categories.csv - apps' labels and their categories in text - phone_brand_device_model.csv - device ids, brand, and models - phone_brand: note that the brands are in Chinese (translation courtesy of user fromandto) 三星 samsung 天语 Ktouch 海信 hisense 联想 lenovo 欧比 obi 爱派尔 ipair 努比亚 nubia 优米 youmi 朵唯 dowe 黑米 heymi 锤子 hammer 酷比魔方 koobee 美图 meitu 尼比鲁 nibilu 一加 oneplus 优购 yougo 诺基亚 nokia 糖葫芦 candy 中国移动 ccmc 语信 yuxin 基伍 kiwu 青橙 greeno 华硕 asus 夏新 panosonic 维图 weitu 艾优尼 aiyouni 摩托罗拉 moto 乡米 xiangmi 米奇 micky 大可乐 bigcola 沃普丰 wpf 神舟 hasse 摩乐 mole 飞秒 fs 米歌 mige 富可视 fks 德赛 desci 梦米 mengmi 乐视 lshi 小杨树 smallt 纽曼 newman 邦华 banghua E派 epai 易派 epai 普耐尔 pner 欧新 ouxin 西米 ximi 海尔 haier 波导 bodao 糯米 nuomi 唯米 weimi 酷珀 kupo 谷歌 google 昂达 ada 聆韵 lingyun Acknowledgements Inspiration 1. Gender and age prediction 2. What is their favorite App 3. What is the most popular cell phone brand



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