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# National Footprint Accounts 2018 #
The National Footprint Accounts (NFA) are an annual production from Global Footprint Network (www.footprintnetwork.org). Each year, we combine and synthesize over 30 datasets to calculate the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity of countries across the world in over 50 years.
The goal of this undertaking is to produce accounts of how much area is required to provide the ecological services (resource regeneration and waste assimilation) consumed by humanity ("Ecological Footprint"), and how much biologically productive area exists to provide these ecological services ("biocapacity") in each year. With both values in hand, we can assess the overall sustainability of countries around the world and better understand the collective need for humanity to reduce its impact on nature.
This data underpins both our [Overshoot Day][1] campaign and our [Personal Footprint Calculator][2], both of which you should check out! All of our data is also available on our [Data Platform][3].
At Global Footprint Network we spend a lot of time calculating Ecological Footprint, and not as much time investigating and researching the trends we see. We are looking for cool stories, trends, interpretations, or visualizations that are meaningful to you or that you think would be meaningful to others. What is your country's footprint and biocapacity - and which is larger? Can you find out why? What about different regions or economic groups?
Besides descriptive analytics, we are also driven to understand more about the causality of footprint values. Can you identify the effect of sustainable (or unsustainable) policies? Is there a good way to predict future values of footprint? Are there any external indicators closely tied to values of footprint?
There are many ways to slice the data, and we hope you have fun finding your own approach!
Splash Photo by Alexey Topolyanskiy on Unsplash
[1]: https://www.overshootday.org/
[2]: https://www.footprintcalculator.org/
[3]: http://data.footprintnetwork.org/#/
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