数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
In the Spring of 2017, the citizens of the Netherlands elected a new government. Under the Dutch system, the electorate votes for one candidate of their - one - political party of choice. This consolidates to, ultimately, the ranking of the political parties in terms of the number of seats they hold in Parliament (150 in total). Then, because no party ever has a majority, the coalition discussions start ("formation"). Each municipality is responsible for organizing the election and providing a tally.
The file **amstk17.csv** contains the number of ballots issued for voting at, and the actual votes per party, for all election stations in Amsterdam. This data was taken from the Kiesraad website and morphed with Amsterdam open data sources to add the GPS coordinates for every election station. The data is clean -- I personally checked all GPS coordinates with the election station in Google Maps, and amended where necessary -- and useable without duplicates.
The file **ams_buurt.json** is a geojson file with polygon shapes for each district ("wijk") in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It can be used in the geopandas package of Python (tested). The file is included to support efforts to make heat maps etc. of the Amsterdam 2017 election results for the Netherlands Parliament. For example, is it true that the Leftist elite resides on the center canals of the city? Where are the supporters of New Left living in Amsterdam?
The data is a compilation of election results from the Kiesraad (via their website) and Amsterdam open data initiative.
This dataset is probably a good start for practicing map maping for election results using e.g. Python tools. The data is not deep enough for comparisons; I will try to update the dataset for new elections (e.g. 2018 municipality elections). However, on the basis of the current dataset and provided Amsterdam districts in polygon geojson format...
(1) Is it true that the Left elite is living on the Amsterdam canals?
(2) Where are the voters of Jesse Klaver living?
(3) Where are the D66 voters?
(4) Will conservative and/or progressive liberals ever take over Amsterdam municipality counsel?
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