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    Context I started playing [Overwatch][1] towards the end of Season 2 and I thought it would be interesting to start collecting data from my own ranked games. The goal was to maintain a dataset of Overwatch ranked data that I could analyze to better understand my own gameplay, and also to see how skill rating (SR) changes as a function of, for example, win/loss streaks and medals. I wanted to make the dataset available to the Overwatch community as there are very few publicly available datasets containing ranked data, presumably because it's quite time-consuming to collect. Moving forward, I want to find a way to include all player-viewable data from individual matches. This will hopefully include things like SR of all players in the match, characters played, global performance data for individual characters (for comparison against global averages) etc. However, [Blizzard][2] does not make this easy as I don't believe there's a public API for accessing this type of data... Content The data is from my own ranked matches (1500-2600SR) and the values are taken from screenshots before and after each match. The values were manually typed into a spreadsheet and includes variables such as number of medals, eliminations, healing etc. The data contains separate CSV files for each competitive season. I have also included an aggregated data file that combines all seasons into a single CSV. You can find a full description of all variables [here][3], which also contains some notes about the quality of the data. ![Overwatch data preview][4] Not all season data contains all fields, and I may end up adding more fields over time, but currently you can find the following in the dataset: - Game # - Start SR - End SR - SR Change - Team SR avg - Enemy SR avg - Team Stack - Enemy Stack - Role 1 - Role 2 - Result - Streak - Leaver - Map Later seasons also include the following from the post-match summary screen: - Match Time - Elim - Elim_career - Elim_medal - Obj_kills - Obj_kills_career - Obj_kills_medal - Obj_time - Obj_time_career - Obj_time_medal - Dmg - Dmg_career - Dmg_medal - Heal - Heal_career - Heal_medal - Death - Death_career Inspiration I think there's a lot that we can learn about how the game works from this type of data. A few examples: - How do win/loss streaks work in the game? Do you continue to get larger win bonuses forever, or does it plateau? - How does individual performance affect SR changes? Are certain stats more important than others? - You always hear people in-game saying "but I've got 5 gold medals!" - does that actually matter for winning? For gaining SR? - What's the best role for gaining SR? Contribution I would love to get your thoughts on what additional variables might be worth collecting data on, and the best way to collect it. Are there APIs for accessing some of the more difficult to obtain metrics? I'd also like to find a way for others to contribute their own gameplay data. Right now the dataset is very limited by the roles I play in the game, the division/tier I play in etc. Let me know if you have any ideas about the best way to incorporate ranked data directly from the community. Acknowledgements This dataset is maintained by me in my spare time. You can find my original blog post detailing the background and publication of the dataset [here][3]. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:



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