数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Let's try something else.
I have been suffering from a mild-but-persistent chronic back pain for almost 5 years. Similarly to the experience of many who suffer from chronic and vague problems, none of the tests I'd done showed any finding the can explain my pain. Moreover, it has become more and more evident that all the professionals (and "professionals" from all kinds) I encountered were far from being data driven. It was very clear that they were simply spitting out priors (both in terms of diagnosis and treatment) which are not subjected to any objective examination (and possibly never were).
Frustrated, I have been trying for the last months to tackle the problem the way I know, with data. This data set consists of ~200 entries to my pain diary. Each entry represents a day, and includes all the things I've eaten at that day (unique items, regardless of quantity), recorded pain events (clearly this is not 100% reliable as I would not always update every pain event. some were too similar or continuous, other happened when it was impossible for me to update), any stomach issues, all physical activities done during that day, any other physical or health-related issues, and for the last month the number of steps (if anyone knows how to extract data from Samsung Health for a longer period of time let me know). In addition, a column for experienced pain level from 1 to 10 (this is a very subjective measure of course. On the other hand, understanding my own experience is actually the metric I'm most interested in), and a pain-free flag (as some days will go without a clear pain event but with a tangling sensation, and I would not consider these as pain-free). Some words would be weird since the I managed this diary in Hebrew and google-translated it to English.
Main Questions
How is the pain affected by physical activity? I used to be very active, but as part of my experimentation I tried different levels of activity (including none). Being active is very import for me for several reasons and therefore I would like to understand what is the right level.
What are the time constants? that is, how correlated are consecutive days, and what is the decay time for the effect of any of the features.
However, any interesting findings are welcome. as well as additional data if anyone wants to join me, and possibly slowly developing it into a gigantic health-related diary.
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