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    Context Using measurements from an indoor temperature sensor mounted over a cooktop, can you help monitor the welfare of an elderly person who wants to live at home later in life? Content **Indoor Temperature over the Cooktop** The dataset contains temperature measurements from an indoor sensor mounted 30cm over a combination cooktop-oven. Data were collected over a 100 day period. Measurements were recorded only when the temperature changed by 1 degree C or more and at a minimum of every 15 minutes. **Outside Temperature and Relative Humidity** Also included are outside air temperatures and relative humidity collected in the same region during the same period. Other factors include: - The data include round-the-clock measurements including typical meal preparation times and long periods (overnight) when the kitchen is not being used. - Ambient temperature in the house varies between 15C - 30C. - The home may be under air conditioning or with the windows and sliding doors open when outside temperature and humidity allow it; use the associated climate data to help determine which state the house is in. - When the air conditioning is in use, the thermostat keeps the house between 24C - 25C. - There is an incandescent light bulb about 20cm over the sensor that may be on or off for long periods. - First use of the cooktop is typically to prepare coffee between 05:30 and 07:00; any absence of this event is likely an indicator of trouble. Acknowledgements Indoor temperatures were collected in a home setting by the poster. Outdoor temperature and humidity are accessed from the National Climatic Data Center, U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN/USRCRN), via anonymous ftp at: Inspiration Can you help monitor the welfare of elderly residents of a home so they can safely live independently later in life? Can you establish a profile of typical use of the oven and cooktop and then detect anomalies that signal the occupant(s) are in trouble and may need help? If so, a simple monitoring system can alert family members to check on their elderly parents or grand parents. Can you detect these trouble events, that exist in this dataset and possibly in future data? - A saucepan was left on the cooktop too long creating a fire hazard - Normal meal preparation patterns have been interrupted requiring a check on the occupant(s)



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