数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
This dataset contains a network of 100k users, out of which ~5k were annotated as hateful or not.
For each user, several content-related, network-related and activity related features were provided.
Check [this repo](https://github.com/manoelhortaribeiro/HatefulUsersTwitter) for analysis and a straightforward classification approach and [this repo](https://github.com/manoelhortaribeiro/graphsage_hateful_users) where we employed GraphSage, a network embedding method;
*Hint*: Try to use not only the content associated with each user but also Twitter's network structure.
# Content
- `users_anon_neighborhood.csv` file with several features for each user as well as the avg for some features for their 1-neighborhood (ppl they tweeted). Notice that `c_` are attributes calculated for the 1-neighborhood of a user in the retweet network (averaged out).
- `users_clean.graphml` networkx compatible file with retweet network. User id's correspond to those in `users_anon_neighborhood.csv`!
If you're keen on the original tweets, contact me :).
## For reproducibility purposes
This are the files used by GraphSage [here](https://github.com/manoelhortaribeiro/graphsage_hateful_users). They come in a special format :); I've added "_"
- `_users_(hate|suspended)_(glove|all).content` files with the feature vector for each user and their classes, the ones with `hate` label users as either `hateful`, `normal` or `other`, whereas the ones with `suspended` label users as either `suspended` or active. The ones with `glove` have only the glove vectors as features, the ones with `all` have other attributes related to users activity and network centrality. This is only for the GraphSage algorithm.
- `_user.edges` file with all the (directed) edges in the retweet graph.
# Attributes description
hate :("hateful"|"normal"|"other")
if user was annotated as hateful, normal, or not annotated.
(is_50|is_50_2) :bool
whether user was deleted up to 12/12/17 or 14/01/18.
(is_63|is_63_2) :bool
whether user was suspended up to 12/12/17 or 14/01/18.
(hate|normal)_neigh :bool
is the user on the neighborhood of a (hateful|normal) user?
[c_] (statuses|follower|followees|favorites)_count :int
number of (tweets|follower|followees|favorites) a user has.
[c_] listed_count:int
number of lists a user is in.
[c_] (betweenness|eigenvector|in_degree|outdegree) :float
centrality measurements for each user in the retweet graph.
[c_] *_empath :float
occurrences of empath categories in the users latest 200 tweets.
[c_] *_glove :float
glove vector calculated for users latest 200 tweets.
[c_] (sentiment|subjectivity) :float
average sentiment and subjectivity of users tweets.
[c_] (time_diff|time_diff_median) :float
average and median time difference between tweets.
[c_] (tweet|retweet|quote) number :float
percentage of direct tweets, retweets and quotes of an user.
[c_] (number urls|number hashtags|baddies|mentions) :float
number of bad words|mentions|urls|hashtags per tweet in average.
[c_] status length :float
average status length.
hashtags :string
all hashtags employed by the user separated by spaces.
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