数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
来自海洋管理组织的所有英国船舶在港口登陆或外国船舶在英国港口登陆的数据。该数据集包含有关渔获物的数据,以及渔获物的重量和价值 (£)。
Year year of landing, 2008-2015
Month calendar months, 1-12
Port of Landing name of port
Port Nationality nationality of the port of landing
Vessel Nationality nationality of the vessel
Length Group length of the vessel, 10m or under/Over 10m
Gear Category gear carried by the vessel
Species Code three letter code of the catch
Species Name name of the catch
Species as shown in publication name of the catch with fewer subcategories
Species Group catch species
Live Weight (tonnes) weight of live catch
Landed Weight (tonnes) landed weight of catch
Value (£) the value of the catch in GBP, most likely without any inflation adjustment
Points to note
Data on Port Nationality and Vessel Nationality for 2008 were supplied as 3 letter codes, not all of which matched standard country codes. I've tried to clean these up as best I can to match with standard country codes but ones that couldn't be matched have been left as-is.
Species Code and Species Name were not supplied for 2008. You may be able to infer some from the 2009-2015 data.
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