数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset provides a complete snapshot of crime, outcome, and stop and search data, as held by the Home Office from late 2014 through mid 2017 for London, both the greater metro and the city.
The core fields are as follows:
Reported by: The force that provided the data about the crime.
Falls within: At present, also the force that provided the data about the crime. This is currently being looked into and is likely to change in the near future.
Longitude and Latitude: The anonymised coordinates of the crime.
LSOA code and LSOA name: References to the Lower Layer Super Output Area that the anonymised point falls into, according to the LSOA boundaries provided by the Office for National Statistics.
Crime type: One of the crime types listed in the Police.UK FAQ.
Last outcome category: A reference to whichever of the outcomes associated with the crime occurred most recently. For example, this crime's 'Last outcome category' would be 'Offender fined'.
Context: A field provided for forces to provide additional human-readable data about individual crimes. Currently, for newly added CSVs, this is always empty.
For additional details, including the steps taken to anonymize the data, please see https://data.police.uk/about/#provenance.
This dataset was kindly released by the British Home Office under the [Open Government License 3.0][1] at https://data.police.uk/data/. If you are looking for more data, they cover much more than London! All major cities in England and Wales are available, adding up to roughly 2gb of new data per month.
[1]: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3/
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