数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset was collected using our App EC Taximeter.
An easy to use tool developed to compare fees, giving the user an accurate fee based on GPS to calculate a cost of the taxi ride. Due to the ability to verify that you are charged fairly, our App is very popular in several cities. We encourage our users to send us URLs with the taxi/transportation fees in their cities to keep growing our database.
★ Our App gets the available fares for your location based on your GPS, perfect when traveling and not getting scammed.
★ Users can start a taximeter in their own phone and check they are charged fairly
★ Several useful information is displayed to the user during the ride: Speed, Wait time, Distance, GPS update, GPS precision, Range of error.
★ Each fare has information available for reference like: Schedule, Minimum fee, Source, Last update.
★ It’s possible to surf through several cities and countries which fares are available for use. If a fare is not in the app, now it’s easier than ever to let us know thanks to Questbee Apps.
We invite users to contribute to our project and expect this data set to be useful, please don't hesitate to contact us to info@ashkadata.com to add your city or to contribute with this project.
The data is collected from June 2016 until July 20th 2017. The data is not completely clean, many users forget to turn off the taximeter when done with the route. Hence, we encourage data scientist to explore it and trim the data a little bit
We have to acknowledge the valuable help of our users, who have contributed to generate this dataset and have push our growth by mouth to mouth recommendation.
Our first inspiration for the App was after being scammed in our home city Quito. We started it as a tool for people to be fairly charged when riding a taxi. Currently with other transportation options available, we also help user to compare fares in their cities or the cities which they are visiting.
File descriptions
mex_clean.csv - the dataset contains information of routes in Mexico City
uio_clean.csv - the dataset contains information of routes in Quito Ecuador
bog_clean.csv - the dataset contains information of routes in Bogota
all-data_clean.csv - the dataset contains information of routes in different cities
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