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Business,Economics Classification

数据结构 ? 3.39M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Introduction The collected data sets come from the multi-branch store computer system. The data shows: stocking, sales, sales statistics, characteristics of products sold from January 2018 - December 2018. ##About the store: Store was open in 2009 and is located in Poland. The shop area is 120m2. We offer general food-and basic chemistry, hygienic articles. We have fresh bread from 4 different bakers,sweets, local vegetables, dairy, basic meat(ham,sausages), newspaper, home chemistry etc. Interior is basic. Location: Shop is located in city that population is around 28 000 people. Shop is placed in mid of house estate( block of flats), near is sports field. The store is open every day: Monday-Saturday from 06:00 to 22:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 20:00. The store has 4 employees. Work in the store takes place on 3 shifts. First: 06:00- 12:00, second: 10:00-16: 00/18:00 and third: 16: 00-22: 00. Competition 1. The nearest competition: There is another grocery store nearby (30 m). The second store is smaller - also a delicatessen, but half smaller. They offer similar products for daily use- bread, dairy, some meat and general foods. I'm not sure about alcohol and how wide their offer is. However in our store the offer is richer(bread is delivered from 4 different bakers). To know exactly what are the differences I need check details. 2. Grocery stores in the town: - 1 hypermarket - 8 supermarkets - 25 groceries stores 3. Shopping trends in Poland Connected to our location: People tend to do general food shopping in supermarkets. If they need daily fresh things, something is missing or they need some special product (not valid at supermarket) they do shopping at groceries like ours. Still in Poland people prefer to go to shop in the neighborhood to do: quicker shopping/talk to people/or just throw out rubbish and do shop at once. To do bigger shopping they go by car to supermarket e.g. after work or on weekend. Online shopping: E-commerce are 1% of the sales of the FMCG goods market in Poland. It is starting to be popular in bigger cities like Warsaw, Krakow etc. Not popular in our city. Health trend: -Three-quarters of Polish consumers agree with the statement that "you are what you eat". Therefore, we pay more attention to what we eat and do not save on food products Convenience trend: According to the expert, the habits of buyers will not change so quickly, and the fact is that Poles like to shop flat - Polish shoppers visit 4 shops a month on average. Also the vast majority of them tend to make smaller purchases, which confirms the most popular shopping mission - replenishing stocks. However, the shopping experience is pleasant in the third place among buyers' motivation and selection of the store. 8 out of 10 buyers prefer to shop in a well-organized store with a nice atmosphere. This is one of the reasons for the development of the convenience channel. He also responds very well to other needs of Polish consumers, because Poles definitely have less and less time, so shopping must be fast and convenient. In this situation, the price is not the most important - 30% of Polish buyers declare that anything that saves their time is worth the higher price. Costumer Our costumer is located in the neighborhood leave in house estate (block of flats). During events of the sport field our opening hours are adjusted to get more costumers from event. Moreover, during trade free Sundays we have costumers from City. Some of the costumer work abroad and come to our shop when they are at home and have special order- e.g. cigarettes packages. Demographic of city and wellness of inhabitants Average age of people is 40 years old. Gender split is equal between men and women. Majority of population are marriages 60% and city has positive natural increase. Unemployment rate is low and similar to country rate- around 7%. Average monthly gross salary is around 3800 PLN gross .This is between minimum and average salary in Poland. (Minimum wage in Poland is :2250 PLN gross and average wage is : 4272 PLN gross.) Occupation split of people is : 40 % industry and construction, 30% agricultural sector, 11%service sector and other. Companies in the city are micro and small ( only few big companies). City is not touristic. In general situation in city is good-budget revenues are growing year to year. Additionally, polish government gives social funds for every second children starts from 2017 and now in 2019 it is going to be extended to every children, without limits. This should boost economy. In general- Costumer in the city has good shopping condition. The main problems faced by the owners are: - ? Overhaul of the owners - the store employs 4 employees, but the owners' great involvement in the current operation of the store means that they are unable to assess the situation and take actions to adapt the business profile to market changes - ? Strong exposure of current assets in relation to profits, necessary improvement of cash flow - the store brings lower and lower profits, there are problems with the availability of funds for current operations ? - There is a significant amount of poorly rotating goods in the assortment of the store; there is also a group of goods generating significant losses.Shall the owners change the profil of shop or limit some of the products groups? - ? The problem becomes goods with a short shelf life, which too often have to be overestimated due to the end of the shelf-life date Opportunities - There is no cake shop nearby. - Adjust interior of shop, make it more costumer friendly e.g. arrange interior base of sell/margin. - Increase the offer- e.g. Become a parcel collection point - Trade free Sundays- opportunity to get new clients. Starting from 2018 the Polish government decided to limit trade during Sunday. It was decided that shops like this one can be open only during first and last Sunday per month without limitations in 2018. During other Sundays, shops can be open, if owners are as workers. Starting from 2019 limit on trade during Sundays is extended and covers all Sundays except last Sunday in month. Therefore, majority of Sundays started to be called "Trade free". Those Trade free Sundays are the opportunity for small shops (in comparison to supermarkets) to increase sales and get new clients. You can find here three reports: 1. Day_sell- information about total sale per day with margin. 2. SELL_1-Monthly report of sell with products. 3. ROTATION- rotation of products in store in given period -Jan-Sept.



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