数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The Lahman Baseball Database
2012 Version
Release Date: December 31, 2012
0.1 Copyright Notice & Limited Use License
This database is copyright 1996-2013 by Sean Lahman.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. For details see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
For licensing information or further information, contact Sean Lahman
at: seanlahman@gmail.com
0.2 Contact Information
Web site: http://www.baseball1.com
E-Mail : seanlahman@gmail.com
If you're interested in contributing to the maintenance of this
database or making suggestions for improvement, please consider
joining our mailinglist at:
If you are interested in similar databases for other sports, please
vist the Open Source Sports website at http://OpenSourceSports.com
1.1 Introduction
This database contains pitching, hitting, and fielding statistics for
Major League Baseball from 1871 through 2012. It includes data from
the two current leagues (American and National), the four other "major"
leagues (American Association, Union Association, Players League, and
Federal League), and the National Association of 1871-1875.
This database was created by Sean Lahman, who pioneered the effort to
make baseball statistics freely available to the general public. What
started as a one man effort in 1994 has grown tremendously, and now a
team of researchers have collected their efforts to make this the
largest and most accurate source for baseball statistics available
anywhere. (See Acknowledgements below for a list of the key
contributors to this project.)
None of what we have done would have been possible without the
pioneering work of Hy Turkin, S.C. Thompson, David Neft, and Pete
Palmer (among others). All baseball fans owe a debt of gratitude
to the people who have worked so hard to build the tremendous set
of data that we have today. Our thanks also to the many members of
the Society for American Baseball Research who have helped us over
the years. We strongly urge you to support and join their efforts.
Please vist their website (www.sabr.org).
This database can never take the place of a good reference book like
The Baseball Encyclopedia. But it will enable people do to the kind
of queries and analysis that those traditional sources don't allow.
If you have any problems or find any errors, please let us know. Any
feedback is appreciated
1.2 What's New in 2012
There has been significant cleanup in the master file
MLB's addition of wildcard games in 2012 adds two new types of records
to the post-season files. The abbreviations ALWC and NLWC are used to
denote each league's wild card game.
Added the MLB "Comeback Player of the Year" award to the awards table
Florida Marlins changed their name to the Miami Marlins, new team abbr is MIA
1.3 Acknowledgements
Much of the raw data contained in this database comes from the work of
Pete Palmer, the legendary statistician, who has had a hand in most
of the baseball encylopedias published since 1974. He is largely
responsible for bringing the batting, pitching, and fielding data out
of the dark ages and into the computer era. Without him, none of this
would be possible. For more on Pete's work, please read his own
account at: http://sabr.org/cmsfiles/PalmerDatabaseHistory.pdf
Two people have been key contributors to the work that followed, first
by taking the raw data and creating a relational database, and later
by extending the database to make it more accesible to researchers.
Sean Lahman launched the Baseball Archive's website back before
most people had heard of the world wide web. Frustrated by the
lack of sports data available, he led the effort to build a
baseball database that everyone could use. Baseball researchers
everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude. Lahman served as an associate
editor for three editions of Total Baseball and contributed to five
editions of The ESPN Baseball Encyclopedia. He has also been active in
developing databases for other sports.
The work of Sean Forman to create and maintain an online encyclopedia
at "baseball-reference.com" has been remarkable. Recognized as the
premier online reference source, Forman's site provides an oustanding
interface to the raw data. His efforts to help streamline the database
have been extremely helpful. Most importantly, Forman has spearheaded
the effort to provide standards that enable several different baseball
databases to be used together. He was also instrumental in launching
the Baseball Databank, a forum for researchers to gather and share
their work.
Since 2001, these two Seans have led a group of researchers
who volunteered to maintain and update the database.
A handful of researchers have made substantial contributions to
maintain this database in recent years. Listed alphabetically, they
are: Derek Adair, Mike Crain, Kevin Johnson, Rod Nelson, Tom Tango,
and Paul Wendt. These folks did much of the heavy lifting, and are
largely responsible for the improvements made in the last decade.
Others who made important contributions include: Dvd Avins,
Clifford Blau, Bill Burgess, Clem Comly, Jeff Burk, Randy Cox,
Mitch Dickerman, Paul DuBois, Mike Emeigh, F.X. Flinn, Bill Hickman,
Jerry Hoffman, Dan Holmes, Micke Hovmoller, Peter Kreutzer,
Danile Levine, Bruce Macleod, Ken Matinale, Michael Mavrogiannis,
Cliff Otto, Alberto Perdomo, Dave Quinn, John Rickert, Tom Ruane,
Theron Skyles, Hans Van Slootenm, Michael Westbay, and Rob Wood.
Many other people have made significant contributions to the database
over the years. The contribution of Tom Ruane's effort to the overall
quality of the underlying data has been tremendous. His work at
retrosheet.org integrates the yearly data with the day-by-day data,
creating a reference source of startling depth. It is unlikely than
any individual has contributed as much to the field of baseball
research in the past five years as Ruane has.
Sean Holtz helped with a major overhaul and redesign before the
2000 season. Keith Woolner was instrumental in helping turn
a huge collection of stats into a relational database in the mid-1990s.
Clifford Otto & Ted Nye also helped provide guidance to the early
versions. Lee Sinnis, John Northey & Erik Greenwood helped supply key
pieces of data. Many others have written in with corrections and
suggestions that made each subsequent version even better than what
preceded it.
The work of the SABR Baseball Records Committee, led by Lyle Spatz
has been invaluable. So has the work of Bill Carle and the SABR
Biographical Committee. David Vincent, keeper of the Home Run Log and
other bits of hard to find info, has always been helpful. The recent
addition of colleges to player bios is the result of much research by
members of SABR's Collegiate Baseball committee.
Salary data has been supplied by Doug Pappas, who passed away during
the summer of 2004. He was the leading authority on many subjects,
most significantly the financial history of Major League Baseball.
We are grateful that he allowed us to include some of the data he
compiled. His work has been continued by the SABR Business of
Baseball committee.
Thanks is also due to the staff at the National Baseball Library
in Cooperstown who have been so helpful -- Tim Wiles, Jim Gates,
Bruce Markusen, and the rest of the staff.
A special debt of gratitude is owed to Dave Smith and the folks at
Retrosheet. There is no other group working so hard to compile and
share baseball data. Their website (www.retrosheet.org) will give
you a taste of the wealth of information Dave and the gang have collected.
The 2012 database beneifited from the work of Ted Turocy and his
Chadwick baseball Bureau. For more details on his tools and services,
visit: http://chadwick.sourc
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