数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
**Project overview**
Pricing is one of toughest challenges for most companies. a product can command drastically different prices depending on the context. demand curve relates to price of product and quantity sold. In practice, there are 2-3 price points to analyze to understand Earnings = Price * Quantity.
**Executive Summary**
**Intro and background** The business collected the data of website visitors while running a promotion for leisure & fun activity.
**Final Goal** To set a price point for their service to increase the sales based on the customer profiles that will be generated using the Data Mining and Statistical Analysis.
**Analytics Goal (DM Goal)** To find which of the pricing point will bring in more sales.
Pricing is one of toughest challenges for most companies. a product can command drastically different prices depending on the context. demand curve relates to price of product and quantity sold. In practice, there are 2-3 price points to analyze to understand Earnings = Price * Quantity.
**Executive Summary**
**Intro and background** The business collected the data of website visitors while running a promotion for leisure & fun activity.
**Final Goal** To set a price point for their service to increase the sales based on the customer profiles that will be generated using the Data Mining and Statistical Analysis.
**Analytics Goal (DM Goal)** To find which of the pricing point will bring in more sales.
- 分享你的想法
- 1、该数据来自于互联网数据采集或服务商的提供,本平台为用户提供数据集的展示与浏览。
- 2、本平台仅作为数据集的基本信息展示、包括但不限于图像、文本、视频、音频等文件类型。
- 3、数据集基本信息来自数据原地址或数据提供方提供的信息,如数据集描述中有描述差异,请以数据原地址或服务商原地址为准。
- 1、本站中的所有数据集的版权都归属于原数据发布者或数据提供方所有。
- 1、如您需要转载本站数据,请保留原数据地址及相关版权声明。
- 1、如本站中的部分数据涉及侵权展示,请及时联系本站,我们会安排进行数据下线。