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Holidays and Cultural Events,Popular Culture Classification

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    # Context What’s the best (or at least the most popular) Halloween candy? That was the question this dataset was collected to answer. Data was collected by creating a website where participants were shown [presenting two fun-sized candies and asked to click on the one they would prefer to receive]( In total, more than 269 thousand votes were collected from 8,371 different IP addresses. # Content `candy-data.csv` includes attributes for each candy along with its ranking. For binary variables, 1 means yes, 0 means no. The data contains the following fields: * chocolate: Does it contain chocolate? * fruity: Is it fruit flavored? * caramel: Is there caramel in the candy? * peanutalmondy: Does it contain peanuts, peanut butter or almonds? * nougat: Does it contain nougat? * crispedricewafer: Does it contain crisped rice, wafers, or a cookie component? * hard: Is it a hard candy? * bar: Is it a candy bar? * pluribus: Is it one of many candies in a bag or box? * sugarpercent: The percentile of sugar it falls under within the data set. * pricepercent: The unit price percentile compared to the rest of the set. * winpercent: The overall win percentage according to 269,000 matchups. Acknowledgements: This dataset is Copyright (c) 2014 ESPN Internet Ventures and distributed under an [MIT license]( Check out the analysis and write-up here: [The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking]( Thanks to [Walt Hickey]( for making the data available. Inspiration: * Which qualities are associated with higher rankings? * What’s the most popular candy? Least popular? * Can you recreate the [538 analysis]( of this dataset?



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