数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Bullet Train
This time we are helping out SOV Investors with your data hacking skills. They are considering making an investment in a new form of transportation - BulletTrain. BulletTrain uses Jet propulsion technology to run rails and move people at a high speed! While BulletTrain has mastered the technology and they hold the patent for their product, the investment would only make sense, if they can get more than 1 Million monthly users with in next 18 months.
You need to help SOV ventures with the decision. They usually invest in B2C start-ups less than 4 years old looking for pre-series A funding. In order to help SOV Ventures in their decision, you need to forecast the traffic on BulletTrain for the next 7 months. You are provided with traffic data of BulletTrain since inception in the test file.
# Bullet Train
This time we are helping out SOV Investors with your data hacking skills. They are considering making an investment in a new form of transportation - BulletTrain. BulletTrain uses Jet propulsion technology to run rails and move people at a high speed! While BulletTrain has mastered the technology and they hold the patent for their product, the investment would only make sense, if they can get more than 1 Million monthly users with in next 18 months.
You need to help SOV ventures with the decision. They usually invest in B2C start-ups less than 4 years old looking for pre-series A funding. In order to help SOV Ventures in their decision, you need to forecast the traffic on BulletTrain for the next 7 months. You are provided with traffic data of BulletTrain since inception in the test file. data will be in front of the world's largest data science community. What questions do you want to see answered?
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