数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This data set was used to train a CrowdFlower AI gender predictor. [You can read all about the project here](https://www.crowdflower.com/using-machine-learning-to-predict-gender/). Contributors were asked to simply view a Twitter profile and judge whether the user was a male, a female, or a brand (non-individual). The dataset contains 20,000 rows, each with a user name, a random tweet, account profile and image, location, and even link and sidebar color.
## Inspiration
Here are a few questions you might try to answer with this dataset:
- how well do words in tweets and profiles predict user gender?
- what are the words that strongly predict male or female gender?
- how well do stylistic factors (like link color and sidebar color) predict user gender?
## Acknowledgments
Data was provided by the [Data For Everyone Library](https://www.crowdflower.com/data-for-everyone/) on [Crowdflower](https://www.crowdflower.com).
Our Data for Everyone library is a collection of our favorite open data jobs that have come through our platform. They're available free of charge for the community, forever.
## The Data
The dataset contains the following fields:
- **_unit_id**: a unique id for user
- **_golden**: whether the user was included in the gold standard for the model; TRUE or FALSE
- **_unit_state**: state of the observation; one of *finalized* (for contributor-judged) or *golden* (for gold standard observations)
- **_trusted_judgments**: number of trusted judgments (int); always 3 for non-golden, and what may be a unique id for gold standard observations
- **_last_judgment_at**: date and time of last contributor judgment; blank for gold standard observations
- **gender**: one of *male*, *female*, or *brand* (for non-human profiles)
- **gender:confidence**: a float representing confidence in the provided gender
- **profile_yn**: "no" here seems to mean that the profile was meant to be part of the dataset but was not available when contributors went to judge it
- **profile_yn:confidence**: confidence in the existence/non-existence of the profile
- **created**: date and time when the profile was created
- **description**: the user's profile description
- **fav_number**: number of tweets the user has favorited
- **gender_gold**: if the profile is golden, what is the gender?
- **link_color**: the link color on the profile, as a hex value
- **name**: the user's name
- **profile_yn_gold**: whether the profile y/n value is golden
- **profileimage**: a link to the profile image
- **retweet_count**: number of times the user has retweeted (or possibly, been retweeted)
- **sidebar_color**: color of the profile sidebar, as a hex value
- **text**: text of a random one of the user's tweets
- **tweet_coord**: if the user has location turned on, the coordinates as a string with the format "[*latitude*, *longitude*]"
- **tweet_count**: number of tweets that the user has posted
- **tweet_created**: when the random tweet (in the **text** column) was created
- **tweet_id**: the tweet id of the random tweet
- **tweet_location**: location of the tweet; seems to not be particularly normalized
- **user_timezone**: the timezone of the user
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