数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
140k+ acronyms were mined from science, tech, bio and future leaning subreddits. This was done with PRAW and compiled into a .csv file. This data set was originally mined to be a learning tool, used to illustrate pandas groupings, visualizations and count based time series. If the data set is refined enough, it might be possible to use it for prediction.
Data Acquisition (Codebook):
PRAW (a python3 library) [script][gitlink] was used to mine the data from a list of subreddits that were hand selected. Science and Tech themed subreddits were focused on, as they tend to have higher quality content. To expand the list, [a subreddit graph explorer][graphexplore] was used to get a better view of the Sci/Tech subreddit network. Subreddits were excluded according to the following criteria:
(1) Too few submissions and/or users.
(2) Too esoteric, niche, or a subset of a much larger subreddit (example: pennystocks is a subset of stocks, in terms of content scope).
(3) Satirical, politicized, or highly valenced in content (example: pcmasterrace).
Some of these points are dependent on human interpretation - which may introduce bias into the data. See *subreddit.txt* file for a list of those selected. For each subreddit: upto 1000 submissions had there comment trees fully populated, and each comment was scanned for acronyms that were 3 to 7 letters in length. Associated information was then compiled, and written to a csv file. The format of the data table is below:
**commID:** Reddit Comment ID *(base 36 integer) (primary key)*
**time:** unix system time stamp for comment, that acronym is mentioned in. *(float)*
**user:** username for person making comment. *(string)*
**subreddit:** name of subreddit acronym appears in. *(string)*
**acronym:** The term itself. *(string)*
Data Statistics and Facts:
See the [kernel][kernanalysis] for more details.
To reference this data set, use the following information: al-Baroudi, S. (2019, June). Reddit Sci/Tech Acronyms Dataset, Version 1. Retrieved (current date)
[kernanalysis]: https://www.kaggle.com/salbaroudi/dataset-cleaning-usage-basic-analysis
[gitlink]: https://github.com/salbaroudi/RedditAnalytics/blob/master/src/prawscrape/prawpull.py
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