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As the Summer Split Regular Season comes to a close. We can look back on which players and teams performed well in terms of fantasy points.
Next to the Column Names. In the parenthesis is how many points are awarded.
For example in team stats Dragon Kills(+1) gives 1 point per dragon killed. Baron Kills gives 2 points.
In player stats "10+K/A(+2)" means +2 points when Kill+Assists is greater than 10 in a match.
In player stats "3K(+2),4K(+5),5k(+10)" means +2 points per triple kill, +5 points per quadra, and +10 points per penta
These are the point breakdowns according to the Fantasy LCS website
"LCS Players are scored accordingly:
- 2 points per kill
- -0.5 points per death
- 1.5 points per assist
- 0.01 points per creep kill
- 2 points for a triple kill
- 5 points for a quadra kill (doesn't also count as a triple kill)
- 10 points for a penta kill (doesn't also count as a quadra kill)
- 2 points if a player attains 10 or more assists or kills in a game
(this bonus only applies once)
LCS Teams are scored accordingly:
- 2 points per win
- 2 points per Baron Nashor killed
- 1 point per Dragon killed
- 2 points per First Blood earned
- 1 point per Tower destroyed
- 2 points if the team wins in less than 30 minutes"
Source: http://fantasy.na.lolesports.com/en-US/stats
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