数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
trans_about.txt for WISDM_Act_v1.1 dataset
See readme.txt for information about the WISDM Lab, rights,
and other general information.
For our transformation process, we take 10 seconds worth of
accelerometer samples (200 records/lines in the raw file)
and transform them into a single example/tuple of 46 values.
Most of the features we generate are simple statistical
Associated tasks: classification
* Number of examples: 5,424
* Number of attributes: 46
* Missing attribute values: None
* Class distribution:
* Walking -> 2,082 -> 38.4%,
* Jogging -> 1,626 -> 30.0%,
* Upstairs -> 633 -> 11.7%,
* Downstairs -> 529 -> 9.8%,
* Sitting -> 307 -> 5.7%,
* Standing -> 247 -> 4.6%
* transformed.arff follows the Attribute-Relation File Format
specified [here](http://weka.wikispaces.com/ARFF+%28stable+version%29)
* Field descriptions: To see the field definitions, read the arff file's header.
* UNIQUE_ID: just that, a unique identifier for each tuple. We exclude this field when making predictions
* user is the id number of the user that the data is from.
* X0..x9, Y0..Y9, Z0..Z9 are bins, their values are the fraction of accelerometer samples that fell within that bin
* XAVG, YAVG, ZAVG are the average x, y, and z values over the 200 records in the example.
* XPEAK, YPEAK, ZPEAK are approximations of the dominant frequency. First, the greatest value in the series is identified, then all local peak values within 10% of its amplitude are identified. If the number of peaks is less than 3, then the threshhold is lowered until at least 3 peaks can be found. The times between consecutive peaks are summed and divided by the number of peaks.
* XABSOLDEV, YABSOLDEV, ZABSOLDEV are the average absolute deviations from the mean value for each axis.
* XSTANDDEV, YSTANDDEV, ZSTANDDEV are the standard deviations for each axis.
* RESULTANT is the average of the square roots of the sum of the values of each axis squared √(xi^2 + yi^2 + zi^2).
* class is the activity that the user was performing during this example.
For a detailed specification, see section 2.2 of:
Jennifer R. Kwapisz, Gary M. Weiss and Samuel A. Moore (2010).
["Activity Recognition using Cell Phone Accelerometers"](http://www.cis.fordham.edu/wisdm/public_files/sensorKDD-2010.pdf)
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor Data (at KDD-10), Washington DC.
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