数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
Kabaddi is a contact sport that originated in ancient India. [more information][1]
The standard style Kabaddi World Cup, is an indoor international kabaddi competition conducted by the International Kabaddi Federation (IKF),contested by men's and women's national teams. The competition has been previously contested in 2004, 2007 and 2016. All the tournaments have been won by India. [more information][2]
The 2016 Kabaddi World Cup, the third standard-style Kabaddi World Cup, was an international kabaddi tournament governed by the International Kabaddi Federation, contested from 7 to 22 October 2016 in Ahmedabad, India. Twelve countries had competed in the tournament. [more information][3]
30 league matches played between teams. teams were deivided in 2 pools with 6 team in each pool. Top 2 teams from each team were qualifid for semifinals and winner of semifianls played in finals.
This dataset contains data for all 33 matches at granualirity level of attack, defense, allout and extra points. Data set also includes toss results, super tackle count and all out count along with match results.
# Content
This dataset was manually prepared from taking necessary statistics from [Kabaddi world cup site][4].
Points acquired as per [rules][5] are main statistics.
This dataset contains necessary statistics in today format and details of all variables are as per following.
- gameNo : Match number. Sequential {Integer}
- team : Team name {Factor}
- oppTeam : Opposition team name {Factor}
- matchStage : Tournament stage at which match was played. (0 - League, 1 - SemiFinal, 2 - Final ) {Factor}
- tossResult : Results of toss to select either side or raid (0 - Loss, 1 - Win) {Factor}
- alloutRec : No. of time team was all out yielding 2 point {Integer}
- alloutGiv : No. of time opposition team was all out yielding 2 point {Integer}
- sTackleRec : No. of times super tackle by team yielding 2 point {Integer}
- sTackleGiv : No. of times super tackle by opposition team yielding 2 point {Integer}
- touchPntsRec : No. of times player in raid touched opposition team player yiedling 1 point for every touch {Integer}
- touchPntsGiv : No. of times opposition player in raid touched team player yiedling 1 point for every touch {Integer}
- bonusPntsRec : No. of times player in raid crossed bonus line yiedling 1 point for every raid {Integer}
- bonusPntsGiv : No. of times opposition player in raid crossed bonus line yiedling 1 point for every raid {Integer}
- raidPntsRec : No. of total raid (attack) points by team, sum of touch points and bonus points {Integer}
- raidPntsGiv : No. of total raid (attack) points by opposition team, sum of touch points and bonus points {Integer}
- tacklePntsRec : No. of tackle (defense) points received by team yielding 1 point for normal tackle and 2 points for super tackle {Integer}
- tacklePntsGiv : No. of tackle (defense) points received by opposition team yielding 1 point for normal tackle and 2 points for super tackle {Integer}
- alloutPntsRec : No. of all out points received by team yielding 2 points per allout {Integer}
- alloutPntsGiv : No. of all out points received by opposition team yielding 2 points per allout {Integer}
- extraPntsRec : No. of extra (technical, penalty) points received by team {Integer}
- extraPntsGiv : No. of extra (technical, penalty) points received by opposition team {Integer}
- totalPntsRec : No. of total points received by team, sum of raid points, tackle points, allout points & extra points {Integer}
- totalPntsGiv : No. of total points received by opposition team, sum of raid points, tackle points, allout points & extra points {Integer}
- touchPntsDiff : No. of touch points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- bonusPntsDiff : No. of bonus points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- raidPntsDiff : No. of raid points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- tacklePntsDiff : No. of tackle points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- alloutPntsDiff : No. of allout points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- extraPntsDiff : No. of extra points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- totalPntsDiff : No. of total points difference from opposition team {Integer}
- matchResults : Results of the match (0 - Loss, 1 - Win) {Factor}
# Acknowledgements
I would like to thank [Kabaddi World Cup][4] site for providing this data.
# Inspiration
This dataset was prepared for my research paper which aims to answer following questions
- Is attack is better than defence?
- Does bonus point lead to victory?
- What is the role of all out points on determining strength of attack?
- Can we build predictive model for winning?
- How strong establish teams are compared to new teams?
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabaddi
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabaddi_World_Cup_(Standard_style)
[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Kabaddi_World_Cup_(Standard_style)
[4]: http://www.2016kabaddiworldcup.com
[5]: http://www.2016kabaddiworldcup.com/rules
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