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Earth and Nature,Geography,North America Classification

数据结构 ? 2.3M

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    Context The Canadian Disaster Database The Canadian Disaster Database (CDD) contains detailed disaster information on more than 1000 natural, technological and conflict events (excluding war) that have happened since 1900 at home or abroad and that have directly affected Canadians. Content Data description copied from: []( Dataset date range: 1900 - present The CDD tracks "significant disaster events" which conform to the Emergency Management Framework for Canada definition of a "disaster" and meet one or more of the following criteria: * 10 or more people killed * 100 or more people affected/injured/infected/evacuated or homeless * an appeal for national/international assistance * historical significance * significant damage/interruption of normal processes such that the community affected cannot recover on its own The database describes where and when a disaster occurred, the number of injuries, evacuations, and fatalities, as well as a rough estimate of the costs. As much as possible, the CDD contains primary data that is valid, current and supported by reliable and traceable sources, including federal institutions, provincial/territorial governments, non-governmental organizations and media sources. Data is updated and reviewed on a semi-annual basis. Data Field Description ---------- Disaster Type The type of disaster (e.g. flood, earthquake, etc.) that occurred. Date of Event The date a specific event took place. Specific Location The city, town or region where a specific event took place. Description of Event A brief description of a specific event, including pertinent details that may not be captured in other data fields (e.g. amount of precipitation, temperatures, neighbourhoods, etc.) Fatalities The number of people killed due to a specific event. Injured/Infected The number of people injured or infected due to a specific event. Evacuees The number of individuals evacuated by the government of Canada due to a specific event. Latitude & Longitude The exact geographic location of a specific event. Province/Territory The province or territory where a specific event took place. Estimated Total Cost A roll-up of all the costs listed within the financial data fields for a specific event. DFAA Payments The amount, in dollars, paid out by Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (Public Safety Canada) due to a specific event. Insurance Payments The amount, in dollars, paid out by insurance companies due to a specific event. Provincial/Territorial Costs/Payments The amount, in dollars, paid out by a Province or Territory due to a specific event. Utility Costs/Losses The amount of people whose utility services (power, water, etc.) were interrupted/affected by a specific event. Magnitude A measure of the size of an earthquake, related to the amount of energy released. Other Federal Institution Costs The amount, in dollars, paid out by other federal institutions. Acknowledgements Data gathered from: Terms of use for commercial and non-comerical reproduction: Inspiration This dataset provides valuable insight to natural and non-natrual disasters which have affected Canada. Possible explorations: * Where do different types of disasters occur more frequently? * Which Province / Location in Canada has been hit the hardest in terms of fatalities, number of injuries, estimated total cost, etc.? Spatial-temporal correlations between natural/artifical distasters * I think that this can be used to produce some interesting data visualizations. Some of the questions I look forward to answering include: * Can any spatial-temporal correlations between disasters be found in this dataset? * Which locations in Canada have been hit the hardest, in terms of people injured, fatalities, financial impact, etc.



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