数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset was used for a study where the task was to generate a top-n list of restaurants according to the consumer preferences and finding the significant features. Two approaches were tested: a collaborative filter technique and a contextual approach: (i) The collaborative filter technique used only one file i.e., rating_final.csv that comprises the user, item and rating attributes. (ii) The contextual approach generated the recommendations using the remaining eight data files.
There are 9 data files and a README, and are grouped like this:
- 1 chefmozaccepts.csv
- 2 chefmozcuisine.csv
- 3 chefmozhours4.csv
- 4 chefmozparking.csv
- 5 geoplaces2.csv
- 6 usercuisine.csv
- 7 userpayment.csv
- 8 userprofile.csv
- 9 rating_final.csv
More detailed file descriptions can also be found in the README:
- 1 chefmozaccepts.csv
- Instances: 1314
- Attributes: 2
- placeID: Nominal
- Rpayment: Nominal, 12
- 2 chefmozcuisine.csv
- Instances: 916
- Attributes: 2
- placeID: Nominal
- Rcuisine: Nominal, 59
- 3 chefmozhours4.csv
- Instances: 2339
- Attributes: 3
- placeID: Nominal
- hours: Nominal, Range:00:00-23:30
- days: Nominal, 7
- 4 chefmozparking.csv
- Instances: 702
- Attributes: 2
- placeID: Nominal
- parking_lot: Nominal, 7
- 5 geoplaces2.csv
- Instances: 130
- Attributes: 21
- placeID: Nominal
- latitude: Numeric
- longitude: Numeric
- the_geom_meter: Nominal (Geospatial)
- name: Nominal
- address: Nominal,Missing: 27
- city: Nominal, Missing: 18
- state: Nominal, Missing: 18
- country: Nominal, Missing: 28
- fax: Numeric, Missing: 130
- zip: Nominal,Missing: 74
- alcohol: Nominal, Values: 3
- smoking_area: Nominal, 5
- dress_code: Nominal, 3
- accessibility: Nominal, 3
- price: Nominal, 3
- url: Nominal, Missing: 116
- Rambience: Nominal, 2
- franchise: Nominal, 2
- area: Nominal, 2
- other_services: Nominal, 3
- 6 rating_final.csv
- Instances: 1161
- Attributes: 5
- userID: Nominal
- placeID: Nominal
- rating: Numeric, 3
- food_rating: Numeric, 3
- service_rating: Numeric, 3
- 7 usercuisine.csv
- Instances: 330
- Attributes: 2
- userID: Nominal
- Rcuisine: Nominal, 103
- 8 userpayment.csv
- Instances: 177
- Attributes: 2
- userID: Nominal
- Upayment: Nominal, 5
- 9 userprofile
- Instances: 138
- Attributes: 19
- userID: Nominal
- latitude: Numeric
- longitude: Numeric
- the_geom_meter: Nominal (Geospatial)
- smoker: Nominal
- drink_level: Nominal, 3
- dress_preference:Nominal, 4
- ambience: Nominal, 3
- transport: Nominal, 3
- marital_status: Nominal, 3
- hijos: Nominal, 3
- birth_year: Nominal
- interest: Nominal, 5
- personality: Nominal, 4
- religion: Nominal, 5
- activity: Nominal, 4
- color: Nominal, 8
- weight: Numeric
- budget: Nominal, 3
- height: Numeric
This dataset was originally downloaded from the UCI ML Repository:
[UCI ML][1]
Rafael Ponce Medellín and Juan Gabriel González Serna
rafaponce@cenidet.edu.mx, gabriel@cenidet.edu.mx
Department of Computer Science.
National Center for Research and Technological Development CENIDET, México
Donors of database:
Blanca Vargas-Govea and Juan Gabriel González Serna
blanca.vargas@cenidet.edu.mx/blanca.vg@gmail.com, gabriel@cenidet.edu.mx
Department of Computer Science.
National Center for Research and Technological Development CENIDET, México
Use this data to create a restaurant recommender or determine which restaurants a person is most likely to visit.
[1]: https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Restaurant+%26+consumer+data
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