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Earth and Nature,Earth Science,Geology Classification

数据结构 ? 2.71M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    ## Context Over the years the earthquakes have been recorded by different organisations in Turkey. Bogazici University, as the most successful university in Turkey, has a earthquake research center and they collected up all the data during the years. They have the most technological devices to uncover the specifications about the earthquakes. The data was collected from the database with particular filters. ## Content The data covers up all the recorded earthquakes in the latitudes between 25 - 50; longitudes 15 - 60. As the metering stations are placed in Turkey most of the recorded earthquakes are in latitudes between 35 - 45; longitudes 25 - 45. The database search time filter was set to dates 27/09/1910 to 27/09/2017. As there are too many earthquakes which have intensities smaller than 4.0, the filter of intensity was set to 3.5 to 9.0 (there was no earthquakes recorded larger than 9.0 intensity). Not being an earthquake specilist or geologist, I have no idea about the different kind of intensity measurements in the dataset (the columns between xM and Ms). ## Acknowledgements All the data here is owned by "Bo?azi?i üniversitesi Rekt?rlü?ü" and it can only be used for uncommercial issues with regards to "Bo?azi?i üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi ve Deprem Ara?t?rma Enstitüsü B?lgesel Deprem-Tsunami ?zleme ve De?erlendirme Merkezi". ## Inspiration I hope all kind of data scientists would be interested in this data in order to: - Visualize the current data on any kind of GIS. - Reveal some truths and correleations behind and across the data. - Analyze seasonality across months, years and decades. - Improve any kind of data model which can be useful to represent the eathquakes in Turkey. - Develop algorithms to predict the earthquake with an intensity, an interval and a coordinate corridor.



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