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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context This dataset is a list of people who have been involved in an accident in the city of Barcelona (Spain) from year 2010 till 2016. This data is managed by the Police in the city of Barcelona and includes several information described below. Content This dataset is composed by 7 files, each one containing between 10k-12k lines. Every row contains several information, like the type of injury (slightly wounded, serious injuries or death). It includes a description of the person (driver, passenger or pedestrian), sex, age, location, etc... **Important**: This dataset is uploaded as it is, so it's possible that some data in some rows is missing/not correct. Description of each column: - *Número d'expedient*: Case File Number - *Codi districte*: District code where the accident was. Barcelona is divided in several districts - *Nom districte*: Name of the district - *Codi barri*: Hood code where the accident was. Every district in Barcelona has several hoods - *Nom barri*: Name of the hood - *Codi carrer*: Street code (Every street has a code) - *Nom carrer*: Name of the street - *Num postal caption*: Postal number of the street - *Descripció dia setmana*: Day of the week in text (written in Catalan) - *Dia setmana*: Shortcode of the previous field (also in Catalan) - *Descripció tipus dia*: Description of the type of the day, it can be "labor" or "festive" (also in Catalan) - *NK Any*: Number of the year - *Mes de any*: Number of the month (1-12) - *Nom mes*: Name of the month (in Catalan) - *Dia de mes*: Day of the month - *Descripció torn*: Type of round of the police. It can be "Matí" (Morning), "Tarda" (Evening) or "Nit" (Night) - *Hora de dia*: Hour of the day (0-23) - *Descripció causa vianant*: Text in catalan. Describes the accident in case the victim is a pedestrian. If not, it says "No és causa del vianant" - *Desc. Tipus vehicle implicat*: Type of vehicle in the accident. Also in Catalan. - *Descripció sexe*: Sex of the victim. "Home" means man, "Dona" means woman. - *Descripció tipus persona*: Type of role in the accident. It describes if the victim is the pilot (Conductor ), passenger (Passatger), pedestrian (Vianant) - *Edat*: Age of the victim - *Descripció victimització*: Type of injury in Catalan (slightly wounded (Ferit lleu), serious injuries (Ferit greu) or death (Mort)) - *Coordenada UTM (Y)*: UTM coordinate Y - *Coordenada UTM (X)*: UTM coordinate X As you can see, some columns could be removed and we wouldn't loose information. My experience working with these files tells me that some rows have no correct data or no data at all. So, be careful! Acknowledgements This data can be found in "[Open Data BCN - Barcelona's City Hall Open Data Service][1]



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