数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset contains hourly estimates of an area's energy potential for 1986-2015 as a percentage of a power plant's maximum output.
The overall scope of EMHIRES is to allow users to assess the impact of meteorological
and climate variability on the generation of solar power in Europe and not to mime the
actual evolution of wind power production in the latest decades. For this reason, the
hourly wind power generation time series are released for meteorological conditions of
the years 1986-2015 (30 years) without considering any changes in the wind installed
capacity. Thus, the installed capacity considered is fixed as the one installed at the end of
2015. For this reason, data from EMHIRES should not be compared with actual power
generation data other than referring to the reference year 2015.
- The data is available at both the national level and the NUTS 2 level. [The NUTS 2 system][1] divides the EU into 276 statistical units.
- Please see the manual for the technical details of how these estimates were generated.
- This product is intended for policy analysis over a wide area and is not the best for estimating the output from a single system. Please don't use it commercially.
This dataset was kindly made available by the [European Commission's STETIS program][2]. You can find the original dataset here.
- How clean is the dataset?
- What does a typical year look like? One common approach is to stitch together 12 months of raw data, using the 12 most typical months [per this ISO standard][3].
- Can you identify more useful geographical areas for this sort of analysis, such as valleys that would share similar wind patterns?
## If you like
If you like this dataset, you might also enjoy:
- [30 years of European solar][4]
- Google's Project Sunroof data
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomenclature_of_Territorial_Units_for_Statistics
[2]: https://setis.ec.europa.eu/about-setis
[3]: https://www.iso.org/standard/41371.html
[4]: https://www.kaggle.com/sohier/30-years-of-european-solar-generation
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