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小学入学 罗马尼亚 2014

小学入学 罗马尼亚 2014

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Education,Software,Primary and Secondary Schools,Europe Classification

数据结构 ? 44.42M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    ## Context [**]( hosts datasets with public administrative data from Romania government, much like [**]( for US relevant data. The main file from this datasource []( originates from [**]( and contains the anonymized information for the pupils registering in elementary school 1st grade in Romania in 2014. Starting from this data, I wanted to represent the registration data geographically, to have a sense of the geographical distribution of pupils registration in 1st grade. I therefore added few other files to this dataset, from different sources: - school information (to be able to connect pupils information with geographical data) - 1 file; - census information (in order to show the percent of the entire regional population registering in 1st grade in 2014) - 2 files. ## Content The dataset contains 4 sources of data: elementary_school_registration_2014.csv The original source of this data is to be found here (Romanian page): []( This represents the registration information for pupils in 1st grade for elementary school in Romania. The data is anonymized and shows: - an unique code for each child; - sex; - social environment ('U' stands for Urban and 'R' for country-side); - the citizenship; - the ethnic group (similar with mother tongue); - the type of the registration application; - the admission stage (I-1, I-2, I-3),; - the educational alternative (traditional or different schooling options available in Romania, like special education for challenged pupils or Montessori, progressive etc.); - teaching language, an unique code for identifying every school (SIRUES); - disability (handicap) flag; - orphan or institutionalized child flag; - single parent flag; - attendance of after-school option. school_network.csv Origin of this data source is []( This file is used to connect SIRUES code from the main file in the datasource with the geographical information. The file contains: - the 'judet' information (is an administrative unit in Romania, larger than a municipality and smaller than a region, much like a county in US); - the name of the school; - the unique code SIRUES (this can be used to merge with the pupils registration file); - the type of school; - the school category; - the education form; - the teaching language. ro_judete_poligon.geojson This file original source is: []( - shows geospatial information for Romanian counties (judet), in geojson format. It also includes the census information starting from 1948 until 2011 (last Romanian census). The detail of county geographical information is very high and therefore this geojson will be used only to extract the census information. romania.geojson This geojson file source is []( It is used to display the county borders (contains less points than ro_judete_poligon.geojson)



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