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Project Description
The Paradis corpus consists of naturalistic language samples from 25 children learning English as a second language (English language learners or learners of English as an additional language). Transcription is in English orthography only; phonetic transcription was not included in this research. Any real names of people or places in the transcripts have been replaced with pseudonyms. The participants are identified with four letter codes.
The data in this corpus was collected in 2002 in Edmonton, Canada. Children were video--‐taped in conversation with a student research assistant in their homes for approximately 45 minutes. During this time, the research assistant had a list of “interview” questions to ask. If the child introduced his or her own topics and the conversation moved forward, the questions were not asked. This dataset only includes data from the first stage of data collection, in 2002. The full longituinal corpus may be found on the CHILDES website, here: http://childes.talkbank.org/access/Biling/Paradis.html
These data are in .cha files, which are intended for use with the program CLAN (http://alpha.talkbank.org/clan/). However, you may also treat these files as raw text files, with one speech snippet per line. Lines starting with @ are metadata.
File format information:
* *EXP: Experimenter speaking
* *CHI: Child speaking
* %[some text]: These lines contain non-linguistic information
Biographical data
Participants in this study were children from newcomer (immigrant and refugee) families to Canada. The children started to learn English as a second language (L2) after their first language (L1) had been established, at 4 years 11 months on average. In the table below, “AOA” refers to the “age of arrival” of the child when the family immigrated. The number “1” indicates children who were Canadian born. The column “AOE” refers to the age of onset of English acquisition. All ages are in months. Each child’ s L1 and gender is also listed in the table below.
For more information about the participants and procedures in this research, see the following:
Paradis, J. (2005). Grammatical morphology in children learning English as a second language: Implications of similarities with Specific Language Impairment. Language, Speech and Hearing Services in the Schools, 36, 172-187.
Golberg, H., Paradis, J. & Crago, M. (2008). Lexical acquisition over time in minority L1 children learning English as a L2. Applied Psycholinguistics, 29, 1-25.
* Does children’s first language affect what English words they use? How many words?
* Do some children pause (marked as (.) or (..)) more often than others?
* Do children at different ages interrupt/overlap their speech more often? (Marked by <> around text.)
* Does a children’s age of first exposure to English affect how often then say “um”? (Transcribed as“&-um”.)
Related datasets:
* [When do children learn words?](https://www.kaggle.com/rtatman/when-do-children-learn-words)
* [Diagnosing specing language impairment in children](https://www.kaggle.com/dgokeeffe/specific-language-impairment)
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