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Publication 15-A
Cat. No. 21453T
Employer's Supplemental Tax Guide
(Supplement to Pub. 15, Employer's Tax Guide)
For use in 2018
Full Name:
Wage Bracket Percentage Method Tables for Computing
Income Tax Withholding From Gross Wages
(For Wages Paid in 2018, America)
This data set represents the American 2018 tables for withholding gross wages (not from wages exceeding allowance amount). Wages withheld from employee checks by the employer are computed by looking employee's W-4 form, finding the number of allowances, the pay-period of the business(Weekly, Semi-Monthly, etc..) and filing status (Married/Single), and then finding the wage range the employees change fall into. Once this is done, the employer will subtract a pre determined base amount (Base Amount Subtracted from Gross Wages), multiply that by a per-determined percentage (Percentage to Multiply), and the result will be the amount withheld from the employee's check for **federal** taxes. This amount does not include state, social security, and other taxes.
For example, an employee that is paid on a Bi-Weekly basis, that has filed for 2 allowances and Single, who has earned $2000 in the pay-period will have the following amount withheld from their check for federal taxes:
$2000 - $1171.38(base amount) = $828.62
$828.62 * .22 (per-determined percentage ) = $182.30 (amount withheld from their check for federal taxes)
This data set was developed from a burning hatred for not being able to find this information in an excel or csv format. So I have made one that can hopefully save someone else a little time and energy. For more information on tax laws and practices in America, please refer to the IRS.
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