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Stack Overflow (SO) is the most popular question-and-answer website for software developers, providing a large amount of code snippets and free-form text on a wide variety of topics. Like other software artifacts, questions and answers on SO evolve over time, for example when bugs in code snippets are fixed, code is updated to work with a more recent library version, or text surrounding a code snippet is edited for clarity. To be able to analyze how content on SO evolves, we built *SOTorrent*, an open dataset based on the official SO data dump.
*SOTorrent* provides access to the version history of SO content at the level of whole posts and individual text or code blocks. It connects SO posts to other platforms by aggregating URLs from text blocks and comments, and by collecting references from GitHub files to SO posts. Our vision is that researchers will use *SOTorrent* to investigate and understand the evolution of SO posts and their relation to other platforms such as GitHub. If you use this dataset in your work, please cite our [MSR 2018 paper][1] or our [MSR 2019 mining challenge proposal][2].
This version is based on the official [Stack Overflow data dump][3] released 2018-12-02 and the [Google BigQuery GitHub data set][4] queried 2018-12-09.
The goal of the [MSR 2019 mining challenge][5] is to study the origin, evolution, and usage of Stack Overflow code snippets. Questions that are, to the best of our knowledge, not sufficiently answered yet include:
- How are code snippets on Stack Overflow maintained?
- How many clones of code snippets exist inside Stack Overflow?
- How can we detect buggy versions of Stack Overflow code snippets and find them in GitHub projects?
- How frequently are code snippets copied from external sources into Stack Overflow and then co-evolve there?
- How do snippets copied from Stack Overflow to GitHub co-evolve?
- Does the evolution of Stack Overflow code snippets follow patterns?
- Do these patterns differ between programming languages?
- Are the licenses of external sources compatible with Stack Overflow’s license (CC BY-SA 3.0)?
- How many code blocks on Stack Overflow do not contain source code (and are only used for markup)?
- Can we reliably predict bug-fixing edits to code on Stack Overflow?
- Can we reliably predict popularity of Stack Overflow code snippets on GitHub?
These are just some of the questions that could be answered using *SOTorrent*. We encourage challenge participants to adapt the above questions or formulate their own research questions about the origin, evolution, and usage of content on Stack Overflow.
[1]: http://empirical-software.engineering/publications#msr18-sotorrent
[2]: http://empirical-software.engineering/publications#msr19-sotorrent
[3]: https://archive.org/details/stackexchange
[4]: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/public-data/github
[5]: https://2019.msrconf.org/track/msr-2019-Mining-Challenge#Call-for-Mining-Challenge-Papers
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