数据结构 ? 1106.79M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
At some point this dataset was a benchmark...
This dataset consists in the original caltech 256 collection of images. It references 257 classes listed here below.
ak47, american-flag, backpack, baseball-bat, baseball-glove, basketball-hoop, bat, bathtub, bear, beer-mug, billiards, binoculars, birdbath, blimp, bonsai, boom-box, bowling-ball, bowling-pin, boxing-glove, brain, breadmaker, buddha, bulldozer, butterfly, cactus, cake, calculator, camel, cannon, canoe, car-tire, cartman, cd, centipede, cereal-box, chandelier, chess-board, chimp, chopsticks, cockroach, coffee-mug, coffin, coin, comet, computer-keyboard, computer-monitor, computer-mouse, conch, cormorant, covered-wagon, cowboy-hat, crab, desk-globe, diamond-ring, dice, dog, dolphin, doorknob, drinking-straw, duck, dumb-bell, eiffel-tower, electric-guitar, elephant, elk, ewer, eyeglasses, fern, fighter-jet, fire-extinguisher, fire-hydrant, fire-truck, fireworks, flashlight, floppy-disk, football-helmet, french-horn, fried-egg, frisbee, frog, frying-pan, galaxy, gas-pump, giraffe, goat, golden-gate-bridge, goldfish, golf-ball, goose, gorilla, grand-piano, grapes, grasshopper, guitar-pick, hamburger, hammock, harmonica, harp, harpsichord, hawksbill, head-phones, helicopter, hibiscus, homer-simpson, horse, horseshoe-crab, hot-air-balloon, hot-dog, hot-tub, hourglass, house-fly, human-skeleton, hummingbird, ibis, ice-cream-cone, iguana, ipod, iris, jesus-christ, joy-stick, kangaroo, kayak, ketch, killer-whale, knife, ladder, laptop, lathe, leopards, license-plate, lightbulb, light-house, lightning, llama, mailbox, mandolin, mars, mattress, megaphone, menorah, microscope, microwave, minaret, minotaur, motorbikes, mountain-bike, mushroom, mussels, necktie, octopus, ostrich, owl, palm-pilot, palm-tree, paperclip, paper-shredder, pci-card, penguin, people, pez-dispenser, photocopier, picnic-table, playing-card, porcupine, pram, praying-mantis, pyramid, raccoon, radio-telescope, rainbow, refrigerator, revolver, rifle, rotary-phone, roulette-wheel, saddle, saturn, school-bus, scorpion, screwdriver, segway, self-propelled-lawn-mower, sextant, sheet-music, skateboard, skunk, skyscraper, smokestack, snail, snake, sneaker, snowmobile, soccer-ball, socks, soda-can, spaghetti, speed-boat, spider, spoon, stained-glass, starfish, steering-wheel, stirrups, sunflower, superman, sushi, swan, swiss-army-knife, sword, syringe, tambourine, teapot, teddy-bear, teepee, telephone-box, tennis-ball, tennis-court, tennis-racket, theodolite, toaster, tomato, tombstone, top-hat, touring-bike, tower-pisa, traffic-light, treadmill, triceratops, tricycle, trilobite, tripod, t-shirt, tuning-fork, tweezer, umbrella, unicorn, vcr, video-projector, washing-machine, watch, waterfall, watermelon, welding-mask, wheelbarrow, windmill, wine-bottle, xylophone, yarmulke, yo-yo, zebra, airplanes, car-side, faces-easy, greyhound, tennis-shoes, toad, and clutter.
Please site as: Griffin, G. Holub, AD. Perona, P. The Caltech 256. Caltech Technical Report.
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