数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Global Map is a set of basic geospatial information at the scale of 1:1 million, which was developed and verified by National Geospatial Information Authorities (NGIAs) in the world so that it is considered as “authoritative data.”
Global Mapping Project is a collaborative international project of developing Global Map for sustainable development, environmental protection and disaster mitigation.
The International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) was established to implement the Project. The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) served as the Secretariat of ISCGM for the whole duration of the Committee from February 1996 to March 2017, and supported the Project activities.
Recognizing that the objective of Global Mapping Project was mostly achieved by the collective efforts of ISCGM and the participating NGIAs, the 23rd ISCGM meeting held in August, 2016 adopted the resolution of dissolving ISCGM and transferring the Global Map data to the Geospatial Information Section of the United Nations. Thus, Global Mapping Project came to end.
This dataset contains geospatial vector and raster data across the map of Japan. Each zip file contains a portion (or all) of the data layers for the specific map version.
Filename breakdown:
'GlobalMap - Japan - Layer _ Version _ Version_Num .zip'
This data is pulled directly from the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan website (http://www.gsi.go.jp/kankyochiri/gm_japan_e.html). To see more information on licensing, please visit the website's [Terms of Use](http://www.gsi.go.jp/ENGLISH/page_e30286.html).
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Information made available on this website (hereinafter referred to as “Content”) may be freely used, copied, publicly transmitted, translated or otherwise modified on condition that the user complies with provisions 1) to 7) below. Commercial use of Content is also permitted.
[Cover photo](https://unsplash.com/photos/N4DbvTUDikw) by [David Edelstein](https://unsplash.com/@jlhopes) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)
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