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罗马尼亚公投 2018

罗马尼亚公投 2018

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Politics,Geospatial Analysis Classification

数据结构 ? 18.26M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Context Romania organized a Referendum in October 6-7 to redefine the marriage in Constitution as strictly between a man and a woman. Currently, it is defined as marriage between people. **Update October, 8**: the Referendum was invalidated due to low vote attendance; the majority of population choose to boycott the Referendum. Content # **Votes data** The data contains the votes per each circumscription in the two days of the Referendum, at equal intervals, as following: - October 6, 10 am; - October 6, 13 pm; - October 6, 16 pm; - October 6, 19 am; - October 6, 21 pm; - October 7, 10 am; - October 7, 13 pm; - October 7, 16 pm; - October 7, 19 am; - October 7, 21 pm; These files have the same structure and contains the following information: - **Judet** - Romanian name for county; - **UAT** - Romanian for Territorial Administrative Unit; - **Localitate** - Romanian name for City/Town/Village (locality); - **Siruta** - Unique code for each locality; - **Nr sectie de votare** - Romanian for Number of the polling station; - **Mediu** - Romanian for Environment - Rural (Country side) or Urban; - **Votanti lista** -Romanian for registered electors list; - **LP** - Permanent List - votes on permanent registered electors list; - **LS** - Special List - votes of not-registered electors; these are typically votes of people that are either travelling or does not have registered locally in a municipality; - **UM** - Romanian for Remote cast vote (Rom: 'Urna Mobila') - the polling station officials are visiting the homebound people to facilitate the vote for them; - **LT** - Total number of cast votes (LT = LP + LS + UM); There are two additional files in the data, beside the tables with votes presence. # **romania.geojson** GeoJSON describing the shape of the Romanian 41 counties + 1 municipality (Capital city Bucharest). Each county (+Bucharest) has a **name** (similar with **Name** in the bridge table **county_codes**) and a geometry, of type MultiPolygon, specified by its coordinates list. # **county_codes** - **Code** - County codes for the 42 counties in Romania. Actually, there are 41 counties and the capital city, Bucharest. - **Name** - County names, corresponding to each administrative code. Acknowledgements The data was published by the Romanian Electoral Bureau, around 1-1.30 h after each hour listed above. Inspiration The data can be used to study the dynamics of voting, overall (at country level) and per county (Romania has 42 administrative units, 41 counties and Bucharest, the capital city).



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