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CMS 医疗保险提供商/供应商分类

CMS 医疗保险提供商/供应商分类

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Finance,Law,Socrata Classification

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Content This crosswalk links the types of providers and suppliers who are eligible to apply for enrollment in the Medicare program with the appropriate Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes. This crosswalk includes the Medicare Specialty Codes for those provider/supplier types who have Medicare Specialty Codes. The Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set is available from the Washington Publishing Company ( and is maintained by the National Uniform Claim Committee ( The code set is updated twice a year, with the updates being effective April 1 and October 1 of each year. This document reflects Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Codes effective for use on April 2, 2018. When changes are made to Medicare provider enrollment requirements, the Medicare Specialty Codes, or the Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set, this document may need to be revised. NOTE: This document does not alter existing Medicare claims preparation, processing, or payment instructions, nor does it alter existing Medicare provider enrollment requirements or policies. Context This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform found [here]( and they update their information according the amount of data that is brought in. Explore CMS's Data using Kaggle and all of the data sources available through the CMS [organization page](! * Update Frequency: This dataset is updated daily. Acknowledgements This dataset is maintained using Socrata's API and Kaggle's API. [Socrata]( has assisted countless organizations with hosting their open data and has been an integral part of the process of bringing more data to the public. [Cover photo]( by [Markus Spiske]( on [Unsplash]( _Unsplash Images are distributed under a unique [Unsplash License]( This dataset is distributed under NA



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