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* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The hospital readmission rate PUF presents nation-wide information about inpatient hospital stays that occurred within 30 days of a previous inpatient hospital stay (readmissions) for Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. The readmission rate equals the number of inpatient hospital stays classified as readmissions divided by the number of index stays for a given month. Index stays include all inpatient hospital stays except those where the primary diagnosis was cancer treatment or rehabilitation. Readmissions include stays where a beneficiary was admitted as an inpatient within 30 days of the discharge date following a previous index stay, except cases where a stay is considered always planned or potentially planned. Planned readmissions include admissions for organ transplant surgery, maintenance chemotherapy/immunotherapy, and rehabilitation.
This dataset has several limitations. Readmissions rates are unadjusted for age, health status or other factors. In addition, this dataset reports data for some months where claims are not yet final. Data published for the most recent six months is preliminary and subject to change. Final data will be published as they become available, although the difference between preliminary and final readmission rates for a given month is likely to be less than 0.1 percentage point.
Data Source: The primary data source for these data is the CMS Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW), a database with 100% of Medicare enrollment and fee-for-service claims data. For complete information regarding data in the CCW, visit http://ccwdata.org/index.php.
Study Population: Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries with inpatient hospital stays.
This is a dataset hosted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The organization has an open data platform found [here](https://data.cms.gov/) and they update their information according the amount of data that is brought in. Explore CMS's Data using Kaggle and all of the data sources available through the CMS [organization page](https://www.kaggle.com/cms)!
* Update Frequency: This dataset is updated daily.
This dataset is maintained using Socrata's API and Kaggle's API. [Socrata](https://socrata.com/) has assisted countless organizations with hosting their open data and has been an integral part of the process of bringing more data to the public.
[Cover photo](https://unsplash.com/photos/Dj0oxQbocfA) by [Justyn Warner](https://unsplash.com/@justynwarner) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)
_Unsplash Images are distributed under a unique [Unsplash License](https://unsplash.com/license)._
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