数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
First, I apologize for the lame NYC stock photo. It was the only high-res option that met Kaggle's exacting 1900x600 resolution requirements that felt vaguely relevant.
A few months ago, I [published a data analysis][1] of every Sex and the City episode on the occasion of the releae of Jennifer Armstrong's book about the show, *Sex and the City and Us*. This is a process by which no conventional data-scraping of speech-to-text method can work reliably, and the only thing that does is old fashioned spreadsheet data entry. A few of us watched every episode and transcribed the dialogue, line for line. It was painful, but now that it's here on Kaggle, no one else has to do it again for the rest of history.
By character, the dialogue breaks down accordingly:
![enter image description here][2]
So, you know, lots of Carrie and a lot of the three mains and less of everyone else. However, please note that some characters have separate lines of dialogue even though there are no breaks between characters (e.g., line 1 will be by Carrie, line 2 will be by Carrie, line 3 will be by Miranda, etc.). I plan on fixing this, but for now, you'll need to concatenate subsequent lines that have the same character.
There are 796 unique speakers total and about 40,000 lines of dialogue spoken among all of them.
Additionally, we've indicated what the jobs of the SATC characters went on dates with---all those "Meanwhile, Charlotte was downtown with Jack, a [lawer/investment banker/etc]". There's a lot to untease about the socioeconomics of the show by looking at who the women go out with, and breaking it down was one of the most interesting bits of information to mine from the show. It also had to be done by hand, and attempts have been made to normalize the categories (e.g., "neurosurgeon" and "family practitioner" are both "doctor").
Thanks very much to the people who helped me watch these shows and put this together. And thanks to Jennifer Armstrong for writing her book and helping out with her insights.
[1]: https://www.ceros.com/originals/sex-and-the-city/
[2]: https://i.imgur.com/hPJDnhR.png
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