数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Birds use calls and songs for a plethora of purposes: from attracting potential partners to asserting dominance over a territory.
This Dataset is comprised of a balanced training set and a test set of 88 species grouped in 61 genera of spectral features extracted from the birds' songs.
Each species in the training set can count on 20 data points.
The 169 features all come from the spectral analysis of the birds' songs
The training set is balanced, while the test set lacks some species and has an overabundance of others.
The features have been extracted from the [British Birdsong Dataset][1], here's [the extraction process][2]
Thanks to Rachael Tatman for putting everything together in the original British Birdsong Dataset.
Here's their original ackowledgements:
"These recordings were collected by 68 separate birding enthusiasts and uploaded to and stored by xeno-canto: www.xeno-canto.org. If you make use of these recordings in your work, please cite the specific recording and include acknowledgement of and a link to the xeno-canto website."
Thanks to the aforementioned birding enthusiasist:
Jarek Matusiak, Sander Bot, Dougie Preston, david m,
Richard Dunn, Stuart Fisher, Timo Roeke,
Krzysiek Deoniziak, Alexandre Renaudier, Fernand DEROUSSEN,
Ruud van Beusekom, Erik Roels, Jelmer Poelstra,
Mark Harper, Tony Whitehead, Volker Arnold, Patrik berg,
Frank Lambert, Arnold Meijer, Herman van der Meer,
Marco Dragonetti, Jack Berteau, Mike Nelson, Paul Driver,
David Darrell-Lambert, Ashley Fisher, Dan Stowell,
Andre et Odile BOUCHER, Niels Krabbe, Matthias Hemprich,
Matthias Feuersenger, David Farrow, Roberto Lerco,
Stein . Nilsen, Filip Verbelen, Rombout de Wijs, maudoc,
Lars Lachmann, Christoph Bock, Hemprich,M., Jens Kirkeby,
Fernand Deroussen, Kamil Cihak, Kieran Nixon,
Rodolphe ALEXIS, Bram Piot, Derek Solomon, Rory Nefdt,
Louis A. hansen, Rob van Bemmelen, Mats Rellmar,
Buhl Johannes, Simon Elliott, OREVER, Francesco Sottile,
Mark Doveston, Ante Strand, GROSSELET Olivier,
julien Rochefort, Andrew McCafferty, Jacques PREVOST,
Jan-Kees Bossenbroek, Tomas Belka, Magnus Bergsson,
Suzanne MacLeod, Hans Petter Kristoffersen, Lars Theng,
Fraser Simpson
Can you classify the species from the features of their songs?
[1]: https://www.kaggle.com/rtatman/british-birdsong-dataset
[2]: https://www.kaggle.com/fleanend/extract-features-with-librosa-predict-with-nb
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