数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The dataset is scraped from web. After data cleaning,it is for predicting game result of football.
The full name of FBP is FootBallPrediction, which has been predicted for 9 months. In the project, combined with big data and machine learning, we explored and developed a software. The software can predict the outcome of a football match (including winning and losing results) in multiple dimensions based on the odds offered by major gambling companies. At present, the accuracy rate can reach more than 80%, in the software version 1.0 and 2.0 version of the forecast results are 9 games in 11 and 11 games in 13, respectively. The current version of the software is 3.0, predicting eight of the nine matches from the start of the major football leagues on August 11, 2018 to August 20, 2018. The project has attracted more than 60 people in its own microblogging community, and most of them are betting on the predicted results every day, and each of them gains.
Now I want to know more people of insight, together explore how to make the project bigger and stronger, find partners, to achieve a win-win situation. I hope the interested colleagues will contact me, micro signal acredjb. Subscriptions is AI-FBP . AI-FBP predicts football game everyday.
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