数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The dataset is structured by sequences. Inside each sequence you'll find the frames that compose it. A frame is composed of 4 color images, 4 sets of 2D joints as projected in each of the image planes, 4 bounding boxes, 1 set of 3D points as provided by the Leap Motion Controller and 4 sets of 3D points as reprojected to each camera coordinate frame.
Along with the dataset itself, it is provided also a set of python scripts (in the utils folder) that will allow you to compute locally the aformentioned data using the calibration files that now we provide (in the calibrations folder). The folder utils contains the following scripts:
- generate2Dpoints.py: It will create the 2D joints projections for each image
- generate3Dpoints.py: It will create the 3D joints projections for each camera
- generateBBoxes.py: It will create the bounding box of the hands for each image
As earlier explained, it is required calibration data to generate these annotations. The calibration data we provide consists of rotation and translation matrices. We released both R and T matrices for each camera for each sequence. You will find rvec.pkl and tvec.pkl which are pickle serialized files of numpy matrices that contains the calibration data.
Dataset posted at http://www.rovit.ua.es/dataset/mhpdataset/
Photo by [rawpixel on Unsplash][1]
Please cite the following article if the data is used:
- Francisco Gomez-Donoso, Sergio Orts-Escolano, and Miguel Cazorla. "Large-scale Multiview 3D Hand Pose Dataset". ArXiv e-prints 1707.03742, July 2017.
The data is licensed by the original authors as BSD
[1]: https://unsplash.com/photos/e0Y6J5ixUbg
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