数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Real-world Affective Faces Database (RAF-DB) is a large-scale facial expression database with around 30K great-diverse facial images downloaded from the Internet. based on the crowdsourcing annotation, each image has been independently labeled by about 40 annotators. Images in this database are of great variability in subjects' age, gender and ethnicity, head poses, lighting conditions, occlusions, (e.g. glasses, facial hair or self-occlusion), post-processing operations (e.g. various filters and special effects), etc. RAF-DB has large diversities, large quantities, and rich annotations, including:
29672 number of real-world images,
a 7-dimensional expression distribution vector for each image,
two different subsets: single-label subset, including 7 classes of basic emotions; two-tab subset, including 12 classes of compound emotions,
5 accurate landmark locations, 37 automatic landmark locations,bounding box, race, age range and gender attributes annotations per image,
baseline classifier outputs for basic emotions and compound emotions.
To be able to objectively measure the performance for the followers' entries, the database has been split into a training set and a test set where the size of training set is five times larger than test set, and expressions in both sets have a near-identical distribution.
Sample Images
Contect preview
Single-label Subset (Basic emotions)
Two-tab Subset (Compound emotions)
For more details of the dataset, please refer to the paper Reliable Crowdsourcing and
DeepLocality-Preserving Learning for expression Recognition in the Wildhere".
* Please note that the RAF database is partially public. And the other 10k images are neither
basic nor compound emotions which will be released afterwards.
Data Collection
At the very beginning, the images¡¯URLs collected from Flickr were fed into an automatic open-source downloader to download images in batches. Considering that the results returned by Flickr¡¯s image search API were in well-structured XML format, from which the URLs can be easily parsed, we then used a set of keywords (for example: smile, giggle, cry, rage, scared, frightened, terrified, shocked, astonished, disgust, expressionless) to pick out images that were related with the six basic emotions plus the neutral emotion. At last, a total of 29672 real-world facial images are presented in our database. Figure 2 shows the pipeline of data collection
Figure 2. Overview of construction and annotation of RAF-DB.
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