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    Cleaned version of the election poll results of Baden-Württemberg from 2017 by district. The data are in ISO-8859-1. The first column contains unique values and can be used as index. What was cleaned: The previously recurring header rows have been removed. Here is some context: Baden-Württemberg has many rural areas. Cultural and economic center of tthis Bundesland is its capital, Stuttgart. Source of the original, uncleaned data: "on Statistisches Landesamt Baden-Württemberg,, file "Bezirke.csv" in the 2017 section Columns in this file in the following format: [row index]: [German column header] / [column header translated to English]: [content in the first row of the data set] 0: Wahlbezirk / District: "08111001001-02 Inlingua Sprachcenter" All who are entitled to vote 1: Wahlberechtigte / Entitled to vote: 948 2: ohne Wahlschein / thereof without election slip: 587 3: mit Wahlschein / thereof with election slip: 360 4: §25 Abs.2 BWO: 1 Those who actually voted 5: W?hler(innen) / Actual voters: 441 6: mit Wahlschein / thereof with election slip: 11 First vote 7: Ungültige Erststimmen / invalid first vote: 1 8: Gültige Erststimmen / valid first vote: 440 9: CDU: 440 10: SPD: 54 11: GRüNE: 150 12: FDP: 45 13: AfD: 15 14: DIE LINKE: 51 15: PIRATEN: 2 16: NPD: (leer) 17: Tierschutzpartei: 9 18: FREIE W?HLER: (leer) 19: ?DP: 0 20: MLPD: 0 21: Tierschutzallianz: (leer) 22: BGE: (leer) 23: DiB: (leer) 24: DKP: (leer) 25: DM: (leer) 26: DIE RECHTE: (leer) 27: MENSCHLICHE WELT: (leer) 28: Die PARTEI: 7 29: V-Partei3: (leer) 30: Bündnis C: (leer) 31: BüSo: 0 32: Einzelbewerber: 3 33: (Unknown content) 0 Second vote 34: Ungültige Zweitstimmen / invalid second vote: 1 35: Gültige Zweitstimmen valid second vote: 440 36: CDU: 96 37: SPD: 70 38: GRüNE: 86 39: FDP: 80 40: AfD: 21 41: DIE LINKE: 66 42: PIRATEN: 1 43: NPD: 0 44: Tierschutzpartei: 3 45: FREIE W?HLER: 0 46: ?DP: 1 47: MLPD: 1 48: Tierschutzallianz: 2 49: BGE: 1 50: DiB: 3 51: DKP: 0 52: DM: 0 53: DIE RECHTE: 0 54: MENSCHLICHE WELT: 0 55: Die PARTEI: 9 56: V-Partei3: 0 57: Bündnis C: (leer) 58: BüSo: (leer) 59: Einzelbewerber: (leer) 60: (leer) Here is a way to describe the headers in Python: general_statistics_headers = ['Registered', 'Registered without election slip', 'Registered with election slip', '§25 Abs.2 BWO', 'Actual voters', 'Actual voters with election slip', 'Invalid first vote', 'Valid first vote', 'Invalid second vote', 'Valid second vote'] parties_header = ['CDU', 'SPD', 'GRüNE', 'FDP', 'AfD', 'DIE LINKE', 'PIRATEN', 'NPD', 'Tierschutzpartei', 'FREIE W?HLER', '?DP', 'MLPD', 'Tierschutzallianz', 'BGE', 'DiB', 'DKP', 'DM', 'DIE RECHTE', 'MENSCHLICHE WELT', 'Die PARTEI', 'V-Partei3', 'Bündnis C', 'BüSo', 'Einzelbewerber'] header_row = list(['District']) + general_statistics_headers[0:8] for party in parties_header: header_row = header_row + list([party + ' (first vote)']) header_row = header_row + list(['interpretation_pending_1']) + general_statistics_headers[8:] for party in parties_header: header_row = header_row + list([party + ' (second vote)']) header_row = header_row + list(['interpretation_pending_2'])



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