数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Each game has 23 features:
1. URL (url, string) - ex. https://www.gog.com/game/far_cry_2_fortunes_edition
2. Name (name, string) - ex. Far Cry? 2: Fortune's Edition
3. Price in USD (price, decimal) - ex. 9.99 [Free is 0, Coming Soon/In Development is -1]
4. Player Rating (player_rating, decimal) - ex. 3.6 [Not yet rated is -1]
5. Genres (genres, string array) - ex. Shooting, Action, Modern
6. Operation Systems (oses, string array) - ex. Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10), Mac OS X (10.8.0+)
7. Size (size, string) - ex. 2.5 GB
8. Rating (rating, string) - ex. PEGI Rating: 16+ (Bad Language, Violence, Online gameplay)
9. Release date (release_date, string) - ex. 2008-10-21T00:00:00+03:00
10. Developer (developer, string) - ex. Ubisoft Montreal
11. Publisher (publisher, string) - ex. Ubisoft
12. Cloud Saves (cloud_saves, bool) - ex. true
13. Controller support (controller_support, bool) - ex. false
14. Overlay (overlay, bool) - ex. true
15. Single player (single_player, bool) - ex. false
16. Achievement (achievement, bool) - ex. true
17. Multiplayer (multi_player, bool) - ex. false
18. Coop (coop, bool) - ex. true
19. Leaderboard (leaderboard, bool) - ex. false
20. In development (in_development, bool) - ex. true
21. Languages (languages, array)
21.1 - Name (name, string) - ex. English
21.2 - Text (text, bool) - ex. true
21.3 - Audio (audio, bool) - ex. false
22. Achievements (achievements, array)
22.1 - Name (name, string) - ex. First line
22.2 - Description (description, string) - ex. Create a line with at least two stops.
22.3 - Rarity (rarity, decimal) - ex. 31.25
23. Reviews (reviews, array)
23.1 - Name (name, string) - ex. elbmek
23.2 - Count (count, int) - ex. 38
23.3 - Reviews Count (reviews_count, int) - ex. 2
23.4 - Verified Owner (verified_owner, bool) - ex. true
23.5 - Rating (rating, int) - ex. 4
23.6 - Creation date (creation_date, string) - ex. September 16, 2018
23.7 - Title (title, string) - ex. Way more pros than cons
23.8 - Content (content, string) - ex. OK, its a game.
All data is publicly available, no special account or access was needed to read and scrape.
There aren't any GOG.com public dataset so why not scrap one?
Jsoup and Selenium
[1]: https://beastovest.com
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