数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
DTLD contains more than 230,000 annotated traffic lights in camera images with a resolution of 2 megapixels. The dataset was recorded in 11 cities in Germany with a frequency of 15 Hz. Due to additional annotation attributes such as the traffic light pictogram, orientation or relevancy 344 unique classes exist. In addition to camera images and labels we provide stereo information in form of disparity images allowing stereo-based detection and depth-dependent evaluations.
Labeling down to the resolution limit
Our sophisticated labeling tool allows to annotate traffic lights down to a width of 5 pixels or below. Therefore DTLD consists of a high number of very small objects (Figure 2). This makes the dataset also predestined for researchers working on small object detection.
High aspect ratio variance
By also annotating traffic lights consisting of one, two (e.g. pedestrian traffic lights) or four light units (e.g. bus/tram traffic lights) DTLD has a higher aspect ratio variance than other datasets.
High regional variance
One important property of DTLD is its high regional variance (Figure 4), i.e. the distribution of the labels in the 2D image. This was reached by only adding non-static scenes to the dataset. Only static scenes, in which at least one traffic light state changes are added.
Dataset statistics
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