数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Building a data-set of 1.4 million stories
Over the past few weeks I have been building a massive data-set of Medium stories. Initially, my goal was to better understand Medium’s clap-metric, but I quickly realized that this data could accomplish MUCH more than just that.
Imagine if writers could choose a title with statistical models. Or if readers could automatically subscribe to the best authors in their field. Even answering basic questions like “How many claps should I give?” would be extremely valuable to both the writers and readers of Medium.
These are all things that can be created with the right data and enough man-power. We have the data, now we just need your help.
Intro to the Data
The data-set consists of 1.4 million stories from 95 of Medium’s most popular story-tags. Every story was published between August 1st, 2017 and August 1st, 2018.
I chose to collect the contents of story cards rather than the contents of entire stories for a few reasons. First, I didn’t want to run into any issues with Medium’s ownership rules. Second, it is around 90x faster to scrape story-cards than it is to scrape entire articles (which means more data for less time and less memory).
Here is the full list of the information I was able to collect for each story: Title, Sub-Title, Author, Publication, Date, Tags, Read-Time, Claps-Received, Story-URL, and Author-URL.
If you want a more in-depth introduction to the data-set, look at my GitHub. In the following repository I published a data analysis notebook to answer some of the most interesting questions about Medium’s readers, authors, and publications.
Here’s the link.
[1]: https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1250/1*MHsIo8FAYDcGJLxiqVOWfw.png
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