数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Now days it's really a hectic task to generate title to any realtime article like news or comments. As we see the increasing need of real-time data to leverage the models to their full potential, so that any content can be summarized with 10-15 words.
The dataset is basically very simple consisting of 2 columns namely title and content.
- title : Under this column we have the titles to the news content, which is close to around 10-15 words.
- content : This columns holds the news content, which is close to around 55-65 words.
This dataset was prepared in Jan 2019, so the data is very new and has got a lot of technological updates so while preprocessing please take care of all the new terms.
Last day I was working on a text summarizer + classification problem and this was the time I thought I would take up some realtime data rather than some toy dataset. I wrote a couple of scrapers and got the data and after a week, I was able to build a couple of good models with this data, so I thought of sharing the data so that the public can benefit from the same.
All the very best...!!
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