数据结构 ? 38.66M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Word is the fundamental unit in natural language understanding. However, Chinese sentences consists of the continuous Chinese characters without natural delimiters. Therefore, Chinese word segmentation has become the first mission of Chinese natural language processing, which identifies the sequence of words in a sentence and marks the boundaries between words.
Different with the popular used news dataset, we use more informal texts from Sina Weibo. The training and test data consist of micro-blogs from various topics, such as finance, sports, entertainment, and so on.
Data Collection
The data are collected from Sina Weibo. Both the training and test files are UTF-8 encoded. Besides the training data, we also provide the background data, from which the training and test data are drawn. The purpose of providing the background data is to find the more sophisticated features by the unsupervised way.
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