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Data Structure ?
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The UK standard measure of alcohol content is a *unit* - 10ml of pure alcohol. Official advice regarding safe levels of consumption is based around units. So it is important that the public know how many units are in the drinks they consume.
Open Units lists over 1,000 standard servings of branded drinks (e.g. [1 pint of Punk IPA][1], [275ml bottle of Beck's lager][2]) and specifies the alcohol content in units.
The dataset is released as open data, which means it can be freely integrated into websites and apps, as well as incorporated into bigger and better datasets.
Open Units was compiled by [GetTheData Publishing Limited][3] based on information made public by drinks manufacturers, distributors and retailers.
- **Product** - The name the product is known by. Typically includes the brand.
- **Brand** - The brand under which the product is marketed. One brand may contain multiple products.
- **Category** - Category of alcoholic drink.
- **Style** - Style of drink within the category.
- **Quantity** - Quantity of **Quantity Units** in this serving.
- **Quantity Units** - A measure of liquid volume to which **Quantity** relates. Not to be confused with **Units of Alcohol**!
- **Volume** - Volume of liquid in ml.
- **Package** - The packaging of this serving, e.g. bottle, can, draught.
- **ABV** - Percentage of alcohol by volume.
- **Units of Alcohol** - Units of alcohol rounded to one decimal place.
- **Units (4 Decimal Places)** - Units of alcohol rounded to four decimal places.
- **Units per 100ml** - Units of alcohol in each 100ml of liquid.
Please see the [Open Units][4] homepage for further documentation.
Open Units is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License][5].
You can use the data for any purpose - including commercial - but you must include an attribution to Open Units, and display a link back to the Open Units homepage:
This is to ensure that the data is disseminated as widely as possible - and does the greatest good!
All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.
[1]: https://www.getthedata.com/open-units/punk-ipa-1-pint-draught
[2]: https://www.getthedata.com/open-units/becks-bier-275ml-bottle
[3]: https://www.getthedata.com/
[4]: https://www.getthedata.com/open-units
[5]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
[6]: https://www.getthedata.com/open-units
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