数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The MSRA Salient Object Database, which originally provides salient object annotation in terms of bounding boxes provided by 3-9 users, is widely used in salient object detection and segmentation community.
Data Collection
The MSRA10K benchmark dataset (a.k.a. THUS10000) comprises of per-pixel ground truth annotation for 10, 000 MSRA images (181 MB), each of which has an unambiguous salient object and the object region is accurately annotated with pixel wise ground-truth labeling (13.1M). We provide saliency maps (5.3 GB containing 170, 000 image) for our methods as well as other 15 state of the art methods, including FT [1], AIM [2], MSS [3], SEG [4], SeR [5], SUN [6], SWD [7], IM [8], IT [9], GB [10], SR [11], CA [12], LC [13], AC [14], and CB [15]. Saliency segmentation (71.3MB) results for FT[1], SEG[4], and CB[10] are also available.
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