数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
A robust collection of raw sensor data.
Our autonomous vehicles are equipped with an in-house sensor suite that collects raw sensor data on other cars, pedestrians, traffic lights, and more. This dataset features the raw lidar and camera inputs collected by our autonomous fleet within a bounded geographic area. It includes:
- 3D annotations.£¨1.3M£©
- lidar point clouds.£¨30K£©
- scenes at 60-90 minutes long.£¨350+£©
Data Collection
Level 5¡¯s in-house sensor suite
Our vehicles are equipped with 40 and 64-beam lidars on the roof and bumper. They have an Azimuth resolution of 0.2 degrees and jointly produce ~216,000 points at 10 Hz. Firing directions of all lidars are synchronized.
Our vehicles are also equipped with six 360¡ã cameras built in-house. One long-focal camera points upward. Cameras are synchronized with the lidar so the beam is at the center of each camera¡¯s field of view when images are captured.
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