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Melbourne was announced as 6th on the list of top ten cities for users globally in 2016 and has been one of the top cities for listings globally since then. As part of the InsideAirbnb initiative, this dataset describes the listing activity of homestays in Melbourne, VIC, Australia. The dataset was compiled on 07 Dec 2018.
The following Airbnb activity is included in this Melbourne Airbnb dataset:
Listings: detailed listings data including full descriptions and average review score;
Calendar: detailed calendar data for listings, including listing id and the price and availability for that day;
Reviews, detailed review data for listings including unique id for each reviewer and detailed comments;
Listings-Summary: summary information and metrics for listings (good for visualisations);
Reviews-Summary: summary Review data and Listing ID (to facilitate time based analytics and visualisations linked to a listing);
Neigborhoods: neighborhood list for geo filter. Sourced from city or open source GIS files;
How is Airbnb really being used in and affecting your neighborhoods?
Can you describe the vibe of each Melbourne neighborhood using listing descriptions?
What are the busiest times of the year to visit Melbourne?By how much do prices spike?
Is there a general upward trend of both new Airbnb listings and total Airbnb visitors to
This dataset is part of InsideAirbnb, and the original source can be found here.
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